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Demoman: Targe, Screen, or Tide Turner?


Demomen Shields  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What shield do you prefer?

    • Chargin' Targe
    • Splendid Screen
    • Tide Turner

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I'd like to hear from you guys which one you prefer. I usually run a loadout of Primary Grenade Launcher (I switch them depending on what I'm doing), Shield, and Eyelander.

Personally I like the Tide Turner for its turn radius, but I'd like to hear someone make a case for the other two shields.

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I use the targe, mostly because I havent played a whole lot since they added the tide and am too lazy to change things up

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i'd go with the charge , cause it can save ur ass from Like any situation W+M1 pyros , flares crit ( only if its a flarepunch ) , Tide turner is only nice with its full turning


control , but it has a poor stats of resistance , so i'd stay with charge c: 

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Personally, I hate the tide turner. I say use either the Targe, or the Screen, with a pair of boots. Which one depends on how you wanna play, Offense or Defense. Splendid Screen is GREAT for taking out enemies, but can leave you vulnerable (If used right, it can even kill a Heavy with one charge and a crit), and the Targe is good for taking hits from enemy soldiers and W+m1 pyros.

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I use my Sticky Launcher atm but i used to use the charge n targe bcs of the resistances.

Sometimes the Tide Turner for 1v1 with a friend.

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who the fuck actually uses the screen, the damage it does doesn't mean anything, turning while charging is a thousand times better

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Tide Turner because it has the worst resistances last I checked, my shield usage is solely to practice pipes and the charge is just a means to get away when I need rather than demoknight.

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Targe it is. Good resistances, and screws pyros up.

The Screen is for people who are too dumb to get the crit the normal way and has barely noticeable resistances.

The Tide Turner is a broken piece of garbage. Got killed too often by retards charging blindly around two corners into the blue.

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Not sure how broken the Turner is now, will have to see.


Close range the splendid screen is great because you can't get the crit until you charge for long enough. Also seeing people go flying and hearing the "OOOHHHH!" sound amuses me no end.

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I like them each with different items.

Targe - Eyelander

Tide - Claid

Screen - Persuader


Although lately i've been making sweet progress on my s. eyelander with boots + tide turner. That set fucks up everything that isn't an engi and a derp pyro.

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Screen is just more satisfying to me. That extra bash damage helps a lot, especially at close range--instead of 195 damage, you can do up to 365 w/ the Eyelander (if my math is correct). So instead of that derp-heavy coming around the corner and killing you, you can punch his ticket to the gun show without even taking damage.


Tide Turner is a preposterous piece of rubbish (albeit a rather fun one), that encourages blind charging around corners and general asshattery. I only use this when there's one person in particular that I need to kill (such as a good soldier or a sticky-spamming African-American w/ a pocket mem). Tide Turner Caberdemo isn't quite a WMD, but it's pretty scary.


The Targe is meh. I really only use it when I'm doing poorly and dying a lot, and taking ~35 less damage is the difference between ded and not-ded.

It has its downsides--primarily, it tends to make soldiers and pyros switch to their shotguns and shoot my face off, which makes the extra resistances moot. It is okay against demos, but I try to avoid black-on-black violence unless I can ambush them, because demos just do too much damage even with resistances. Fire isn't much of an issue for me because a good pyro will murder a demo no matter what shield he has on, and a bad pyro is a sitting duck no matter what. Only high-volume flare spam makes the Targe worthwhile to me, and only sometimes. And heavies are a lot more scary with the Targe equipped, compared to with the Screen.

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Sticky jumper.


Real talk tho Tide Turner because I like to crit the Loose Cannon, and the turning makes it easier to aim.

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I try to avoid black-on-black violence

I spit out my drink, fuck you.


Thanks for making a case for the Screen, not much love for it apparently. I'm trying to get into PvP Demo a little more. I'm a fantastic MvM Demo, but it's not exactly hard to master putting a paperweight on your mouse2 button while having an autoclicker on mouse1.



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Targe for me, screen is shitty imo

tide is okay but I prefer targe since I do Stock Or cannonballs+ Targe+ Half or Booties+Targe+ half

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who the fuck actually uses the screen, the damage it does doesn't mean anything, turning while charging is a thousand times better

Considering the fact that at 5 heads, the screen does 170 damage. Pair that with the eye lander and your doing over 350 damage with a successful charge and hit. That's insane.

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