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Need cosmetic advice for some of my classes.


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I've got some leftover ref in my backpack,so i've thought that maybe fashionising some of my classes could be a great way to spend them.


Here's what i need:


Scout - 



Need some advice of whatever 3rd misc (preferably a vest or suit) would fit him best. Looking for some casual scout stuff,but not overused like the fast learner.





I just want him to look like some friendly retired scottish veteran. Bearded bombardier is a must-go in this case,but i also need a suitable hat and 3rd misc for that. Please no golf bag and black watch.


Heavy -



I want him to look badass. Feel free to advize me anything as long as you don't change the Hound Dog, and as long as you don't offer me to change the warmer with the heavy lifter. Please don't.


Engieneera -



Looking to make a battle texan set, so all i'm looking for is a second misc that would make him look more like a cowboy. Offer me any. I've tried the dogfighter but it dosen't fit.


Sniper -



I want him to look like the guy who would always engage you in a 1v1 with the Huntsman and always win with twitchy aiming. No Fruit Shoot,as it dosen't fit either.


Spy -



Anything that pairs well with the Business Casual. Something that would make him look chill and menacing at the same time (yes,it's possible)


Thank you for stumbling on my thread, and good luck with your creativity!

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I'd suggest the Delinquent's Down Vest for your scout. Pairs well with the Trilby and goes nicely with the Bonk Boy, too.


For your demo I'd say the beard would go well with a Scotsmans Stovepipe or a Tam o' Shanter, misc maybe a Gaelic Garb or a Whiskey Bib.


Your heavy should just exchange the pants for the Cuban Bristle Crysis. I would also use a Tuxxy or the Siberian Sophisticate as a cool misc.


A Gold Digger or Scotch Saver would be nice for your engi, I think.


You could get a Larrikin Robin and a Toowomba Tunic for your Sniper, with some other hat or misc.


if I were you I'd use the After Dark over the Business Casual any time of the day on Spy. A Harmburg or Cosa Nostra Cap could look sweet with it. Especially if you pair the Cosa Nostra Cap up with the Tomb Readers for the Terry Benedict look.

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The in-game loadout viewer of course.

Did you just crop it then so the equip slots don't show? Looked different from the loadout preview in game, cause I got a different background color there.

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