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What is your favorite class in Team Fortress 2?

Nova >:3

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So many ways to play: Pyroshark, Engie helper, Guarding a pocketed heavy,  Backburner ambush, Flare punching pyros, etc.


IMO the best cosmetics


Only class i can play competitively besides solly/demo


Nostalgia, as my first strange was for pyro and my first traded hat was for pyro


And it's fun to watch people rage and rant about "OmG PYRO TAKEZ NO SKILLL!!111!!!1! NOOB" 

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Spy, because after several years of UGC Highlander as Spy, you know, you kind of grow to like Spy.

Plus, after my long hiatus from TF2, it remains the only class I can still play and pub stomp, but all other classes I suck nuts at

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Probably Pyro, but I find medic and scout fun too. It just depends what setting, I like med with competent players, pyro in most situations and scout in a nice competitive match

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i love picking so many heads and pub stomping servers with this class <3 and a good sniper can really change the game around, one crucial medic pick can win you the game.

Also, after a whole season of UGC playing as Scout/Sniper in 6s. I've grown to like the class just like Fenrir.

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heavy because stomping lmao skids

Because hacking in valve servers* :)


OT, Heavy. He's the most fun to me, I don't know how to explain it. Sure, he's slow and weak if caught unspun, but I get a blast out of playing him.

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Engineer. I just love the gameplay style of engie, i also play comp engineer which makes it much harder and a lot more fun for me. 


1140 hours of engie and still going strong :D

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