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Props to Michael Puddington


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Michael has been trying(maybe he sold a couple) to sell fireproof diaries for months. Normally a seller who's trying to sell an item hates it when a price is dropped.

In the past few weeks I and one other trader have slowly been lowering the price of the diaries.

Michael has approved 3/4 suggestions so far to lower the price.






All approved by Michael.


Thanks for being an honest admin and approving these suggestions, and hopefully collectors start collecting so you can sell some of your diaries.


Michael has been trying(maybe he sold a couple) to sell fireproof diaries for months. Normally a seller who's trying to sell an item hates it when a price is dropped.

In the past few weeks I and one other trader have slowly been lowering the price of the diaries.

Michael has approved 3/4 suggestions so far to lower the price.






All approved by Michael.


Thanks for being an honest admin and approving these suggestions, and hopefully collectors start collecting so you can sell some of your diaries.

Michael's rich as fuck, he doesn't care what bp.tf says as long as it sells

People suggest down their own items all the time


Michael's rich as fuck, he doesn't care what bp.tf says as long as it sells

People suggest down their own items all the time

Offline does that too


He's one of the mods accepting most of the suggestions with a 400 bud bp, and he buys them as quicksells too.


Micheal accepts most of my suggestions :DDDD


Yeah he also accepted the burning bicorne suggestion as well, i would like to think he is a honest mod but from the comments seems like he is just too rich to care xD


Plox dont ban me micheal :S


Offline does that too


He's one of the mods accepting most of the suggestions with a 400 bud bp, and he buys them as quicksells too.


Offline's a moderator?


EDIT: Never mind. I now understand what you meant.


What I meant was what bp.tf says probably does not affect what it can sell for in the land of $10000s


One of the reason I initially contacted him to be on staff back in the days, I noticed he was always truthful about paint prices even though he was trying to sell them for higher.


One of the reason I initially contacted him to be on staff back in the days, I noticed he was always truthful about paint prices even though he was trying to sell them for higher.

Brad only says things that deserve likes.


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