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Halp meh! Gun Mettle servers still not working :c

(ง ͠° ͟ل ͡°)ง

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Well, gun mettle has been weird. I posted another topic a week or so ago which I don't wanna bump because there was a big flamewar thanks to my bad choice of wording in the title. 


Basically, my problem is that I still can't join gun mettle or ANY valve servers. I have been looking at possible firewall errors and router problems, but I can't trace it to a certain source. When attempting to join a server it will say either:


(When I just attempt to quickplay without clicking "show servers")

"Quickplay initial search: 5 servers with scores 7.02 or better.  Good enough...proceeding to backend scoring.

Quickplay client scoring
Selected game mode: 13
Hours played: 1102.3
Valve server bonus: 0.00, noob map bonus: 0.00
Search duration: 44.3
Found 107 total servers, 107 met minimum score threshold, 25 will be sent to GC for scoring
Received 24 server scores from GC
Best GC score was 1.96
No more scored servers left to ping.  We failed!"
(If I do "show servers" and attempt to join one)
"'Unrecognized client_beginconnect event 'source' argument: 'quickpick_2'
Quickplay initial search: 7 servers with scores 7.06 or better.  Good enough...proceeding to backend scoring.
Quickplay client scoring
Selected game mode: 13
Hours played: 1102.3
Valve server bonus: 0.00, noob map bonus: 0.00
Search duration: 43.3
Found 103 total servers, 103 met minimum score threshold, 25 will be sent to GC for scoring
Received 25 server scores from GC
Best GC score was 1.83
No more scored servers left to ping.  We failed!
Quickplay initial search: 5 servers with scores 7.05 or better.  Good enough...proceeding to backend scoring.
Quickplay client scoring
Selected game mode: 13
Hours played: 1102.3
Valve server bonus: 0.00, noob map bonus: 0.00
Search duration: 43.6
Found 94 total servers, 94 met minimum score threshold, 25 will be sent to GC for scoring
Received 25 server scores from GC
Best GC score was 1.92
Quickplay connecting to
Connecting to
Connection failed after 4 retries."
Any help is appreciated. Don't post "u haz shittey intrnets lol stahp cumplaneng" because this is only since the update was rolled out. I have noticed many others in the UK and people in the US using Virginia servers have this problem too, but there seems to be no fix. RIP profiting from gun mettle pass.
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Use the server browser and filter servers by the tag "valve". Wait for the Stockholm servers to show up and connect to one.

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Use the server browser and filter servers by the tag "valve". Wait for the Stockholm servers to show up and connect to one.

Didn't seem to work. Still the same problem D:

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Had the same problem. I did a complete hardware replacement and that seemed to fix it. However, my problem was that I couldn't connect to ANY servers whatsoever in CS:GO or Tf2. Your issue might have a simpler fix; I just thought I would share what I did. Good luck :D

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