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WTS U. Reggaelator With Mid-Tier effect


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Hey there forums. Trying to sell a Cauldron Bubbles Reggaelator for some offers. This baby is clean and rare (only 7 exist). Here is the history: http://backpack.tf/item/1214381392. I'm fielding offers so go ahead and throw some stuff my way. My ball park is around 50-53ish keys in items and pure. I could go lower depending on what I'm offered.  Post below if you are interested. Sending me a trade offers is cool, too. I may decline you adding me if your profile is private. 

I attached a screenie somewhere around here...  Here is a link to the screenie, as well: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974631996/screenshots/. Thanks for reading.  :D


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