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Tf2 Weapon Skins. Thoughts?


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They all look hideous. Even the Commando's look bad.(Except for Weapon Shot in the Dark skin) TF2 is too cartoony for it and more thanks to it's outdated graphics, it even look shittier.  I don't really see the skins working out, unless i'm just completely biased and It's because I haven't really seen all the weapon skins at first person. It'll get a lot of market value, but I don't really see much with it.


I can see stickers being released at one point. Plus a workshop for tf2 weapon skins. 

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The first csgo skins weren't very good either. They got good once they started adding community skins. Give it a month or three before we start seeing nice looking skins.

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The "wear" grade really effect how good the weapons look. The more scratched it looks, the better (usually). And I like the skins just fine. The stock weapons don't stand out to the non-stock ones, and the skins help them not look "dull" compared to them.

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The first csgo skins weren't very good either. They got good once they started adding community skins. Give it a month or three before we start seeing nice looking skins.


Dude, have you even seen a M4A1-S Dark Water? Or a Deagle Hypnotic?

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there should be an option to disable just the gun mettle skins because I seriously don't want to look at any of them

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