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Why did you request a ban?


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>Asking on forums for opinions of people banned from forums


Most people do it because they need to concentrate on something and can't trust themselves not to use bp.tf in the meantime.


I remember some girls in my high school year changing each other's facebook passwords so they couldn't use it until after exams, I imagine this is the same principle.

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Is that you, Debra?


Anyways, I requested a ban mostly for my exams.

Check the forum name history. It isn't Debra.


Linked Steam profile is named Debra, but SteamRep shows that it's an alt of a different marked person. http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198026761768


Debra is marked (partially) due to Bazaar.tf admin impersonation and can be found here: http://forums.backpack.tf/index.php?/user/9967-дебра/

Link Steam profile leads to correct SteamRep page. (Forum) Name history also checks out.

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