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Above 2/3 of the vote and gets closed... Why?

Mushroom Knight

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1,Counterproof was good.

2. Most voters don't even open the suggestion

3. Most voters are biased 

4. Mods get the final say


So basically I shouldn't even try...


So basically I shouldn't even try...

Basically you should make a good suggestion. A mod can't override the voters if the suggestion is good. 

I dont even understand now what do you consider a "good" suggestion. In my opinion markets are determinedd by users. If there is high demand they will vote to increase. If there is low demand then they should vote to decrease. Since I got more than half the vote I think it should have passed.


I dont even understand now what do you consider a "good" suggestion. In my opinion markets are determinedd by users. If there is high demand they will vote to increase. If there is low demand then they should vote to decrease. Since I got more than half the vote I think it should have passed.

Except most voters don't even open the suggestion. They see a price decreasing slightly, and assume its correct. Look through suggestions throughout the history of the site. As a general rule, suggestions lowering the price of an item usually have a higher percentage than ones trying to raise the price.


Prices are set based on the market. Well, 4 of your 6 links sold for 2 Rec. I.e. the users are willing to pay 2 Rec.

Four of the six you listed as "unsold for .66" have actually sold. Therefore, it seems people are able to sell for 2 rec, even if it is a bit slow. The range shouldn't be lowered yet.

So, the only reason you had to lower the v. huntsman's price was invalid.

I practically give up when a mod close my 75% positive suggestion and same suggestion is accepted some time later.

One person can ruin one hour of my free hard labor. Never wasting my time again.


The evidence that said unsold was unsold when i got the evidence. Not whenever they decided to check. I looked thru all the trades at that time to make sure they were actually still open


Moderator's comment I think explains the whole situation " Four of the six you listed as "unsold for .66" have actually sold. Therefore, it seems people are able to sell for 2 rec, even if it is a bit slow. The range shouldn't be lowered yet. "


UP+ Shenanigans  :P


Nubs make bad suggestion

mod closes

nub rages

classic humor


The evidence that said unsold was unsold when i got the evidence. Not whenever they decided to check. I looked thru all the trades at that time to make sure they were actually still open

EXACTLY. Saying that the vintage huntsman should be .33-.44 instead of .33-.66 is saying, that .66 is incorrect and will NOT sell. Well, 4 of the 6 sellers at .66 sold. So clearly it can sell for .66, therefore .66 belongs in the range.

I practically give up when a mod close my 75% positive suggestion and same suggestion is accepted some time later.

One person can ruin one hour of my free hard labor. Never wasting my time again.

*some time later

the market changes over time, or didn't you know that?


The evidence that said unsold was unsold when i got the evidence. Not whenever they decided to check. I looked thru all the trades at that time to make sure they were actually still open

Solid counterproof was provided...if we accepted suggestions based on the # of positive votes keys would be at 2.33 even though that's not the right price.


I mean one month in "Sometime later."

Now, I examine that old suggestion. It turn out that the accept suggestion for vintage luger had only 55% positive.

His proof is just this one line:"People are happily buying for 10 keys. Just try to find someone selling for 9 keys. I dare you. http://www.tf2outpost.com/search/79117032"

I didn't remember it was this unfair. I am actually getting a bit angry after reexamining this.


Well enough, this just remind me why I should not bother suggesting. 


I mean one month in "Sometime later."

Now, I examine that old suggestion. It turn out that the accept suggestion for vintage luger had only 55% positive.

His proof is just this one line:"People are happily buying for 10 keys. Just try to find someone selling for 9 keys. I dare you. http://www.tf2outpost.com/search/79117032"

I didn't remember it was this unfair. I am actually getting a bit angry after reexamining this.


Well enough, this just remind me why I should not bother suggesting. 

Because prices don't change over the course of a month.


Because prices don't change over the course of a month.

Don't put word into my mouth.

I was trying to clarifying in case someone thought I mean months and even a year.

While price can change in a month, vintage luger at the time had a pretty stable price.

I noticed the price range increase on market and profit from it quite a bit, and decide to share the good news to other traders.

I suggested and majority agree with me. After mine got denied, couple others also suggested the same things within that month. 

Until that one poorly constructed suggestion finally got accepted by an different admin. 

Maybe the backpack.tf had better regulation today than 7 months ago. I don't know, You could have argue that instead.


If you going to troll me by cherry picking one vague point and ignoring my main argument, I won't bother replying to you next time.


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