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If you use the item search function on bp.tf to look for craft numbers, there are several to choose from, #69, #666, #12345...


Then there is the last one; 52588


Google only yields Zip codes 'n' shit, Wikipedia is silent, what is so special about this number, if anything at all?

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its got 55 and two 88, but only one 2. So 2=too. Too go to double. In latin that means heaven. So the hat has a craft number of heaven. So you know how a hat worth 10x more because of this.

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In that case he has at most 2 of the 10 items that exists...Unless he crafted some of them himself


I think we can rule out that 52588 means anything public though...it is probably just a troll thing put in by a programmer...not that I know any, who could that have been?

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In that case he has at most 2 of the 10 items that exists...Unless he crafted some of them himself


I think we can rule out that 52588 means anything public though...it is probably just a troll thing put in by a programmer...not that I know any, who could that have been?


There's probably way more than 10 in existence considering how many items exist in TF2. For backpack.tf to store a searchable database of every single craft number and who owns it would take a vast sum of storage which I don't think would be wise for Brad Pitt, creator of backpack.tf, to add to his expenses. Anyways, whoever does collect them is probably a premium member on backpack.tf and therefore has the ability to request for a custom search to see if it is possible to locate any item they desire, such as specific craft numbers, if they are currently held in public backpacks. I don't think a programmer would go out of there way to add such a useless "troll" to their database since all it does is take up storage space.

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Remember when 69 was just a number? Not to make a TF2 item 10x more expensive.


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Solution: don't buy level 69. don't care about level 69. problem solved.

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But still, someone must have put it there and I wonder who it was


It might be someone's birthday. 5/25/88 a.k.a. May 25, 1988. Anyone think of that?

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It might be someone's birthday. 5/25/88 a.k.a. May 25, 1988. Anyone think of that?

you damned americans who use the mm/dd/yyyy format

Instead we could say it's May 52th of the year 2088

how about that?

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you damned americans who use the mm/dd/yyyy format

Instead we could say it's May 52th of the year 2088

how about that?


I mean I've recently switched to using dd/mm/yyyy because of Spanish class and the MLA format on papers. I just know that's a possibility.

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It might be someone's birthday. 5/25/88 a.k.a. May 25, 1988. Anyone think of that?

I'l take that as a very reasonable answer together with Pyroman's Wisdow words. Now my only question is who was born that date since I really can't find mods' birth dates anywhere...

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I'l take that as a very reasonable answer together with Pyroman's Wisdow words. Now my only question is who was born that date since I really can't find mods' birth dates anywhere...

Anyone who uses premium could have been born on that date. Not just the mods. (assuming its a birthday)

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Anyone who uses premium could have been born on that date. Not just the mods. (assuming its a birthday)

True.....well I guess it remains a mystery then :L

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My golden birthday is coming up, and this made me suddenly want to collect items with a craft # of my birthday, #52588. I realize it's such a big number most of the items probly just ended up getting scrapped or recrafted, but I want to salvage out what I can.

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