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Pyro competitive help


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I'd go degreaser, stock shotgun and powerjack. The powerjack has the crit power and mobility to get you out of sticky situations and onto points faster, the shotgun I'd put over the flare just because of pyros but if you have good aim from a far go for flare (also flare can really help against snipers from long range if you have a good aim) and finally the degreaser is just the degreaser. xD One of the best tools the pyro has is airblasting. If you see a soldier with a kritzkrieg medic on him make it your aim to reflect those rockets away from your team, don't even aim for kills, just reflect to the floor away from your team. I've been thinking of getting into comp soon and was debating playing pyro or scout (chose scout, heh) but that'd be my loadout for it. Also as a final note test out your loadout, go to servers and just practice practice practice. Hope you do well! 



As many have said, the Degreaser is the best all-around primary weapon for the Pyro in competitive play.  I'd use the Flare Gun as my secondary and since you said you're playing Highlander and you'll have an Engineer, I would consider the Homewrecker for my melee slot.  Being able to un-sap buildings is a great help for your Engineer and will come in handy in the case your Engineer dies.  If you're playing without an Engineer or in a traditional 6v6 setting I would use the Powerjack.

i'm playing 9v9, so i'll try and master using the flare gun and shotgun, as well as taking advantage of the powerjack's survivability.

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Also if you can learn to rocket jump as pyro, you can get some pretty swaggy medic picks.

i have tried airblast jumping and it is freaking impossible. like ill get a crappy one 1 out of 10 tries at best

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