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How many people have you blocked?


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I've blocked 144, 142 of them bots, 1 for spamming me for COD invites and another one by spamming up my chat with boring chatter (was a 5 yr old)

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I'm strict about who I add so I don't get any surprises with people turning out to be annoying dorks.


As for phishers, I just ignore their invites and I've never had one come back.

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Aside from phishers, probably 1 or 2.


I remember one guy who was bothering me trying to get me to trade him an item for cheaper. He kept going on about it and posting in my profile to force me to sell it to him. It went on for at least an hour, so I blocked him. I feel like I may have blocked someone else, but I'm not sure.

I think I have like 10 peopleblocked. One because I got him banned on outpost for beingh an asshole he said something like 'WOW WHAT A FUCKING LOWBALL YOU FUCKING RETARDED SHITHEAD, GO FUCK OVER SOME OTHER TRADERS AND ROT IN HELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT'. once he got banned he started spamming my steam page as I always have comments set to public.

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67 people currently

I cleared my block list like last August and haven't had to block many others because I don't really accept adds unless i know them

Well, I do, but I wait for them to say something first and usually they forget they added me

I don't even block phishers because they're a waste of my time

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