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Metal vs. Keys in Price listings, Summary at bottom


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Whether good, bad or neutral, we know that the price of keys goes up at a quite frequent rate. This created another problem in backpack.tf pricing - when items are listed with their worth in keys.


For example, take an accepted Key price made 6 months ago - The uncraftable Fancy Dress Uniform was set at 1 Key, while Keys were worth around 2.66 Refined. The Craftable version is listed at 3.66-4 refined. Effectively, when the prices were put in those 6 months ago, the uncraftable was worth 1 Refined less than the craftable. But because of key prices change, the uncraftable is apparently worth more than the craftable. I'm not saying that can't happen, but it doesn't properly reflect what the price that was suggested was. It's a small margin now, with Keys hovering around 4 ref, but I'm sure you can see the problem since keys are likely going to be going higher.


With the key price changing so rapidly, I don't think it's a good thing to have prices listed in keys, at least for the less expensive items like regular hats and cosmetic items; because the Key to Refined conversion is always changing. We almost all have weapons/refined, and with keys the way they are, I think refined should be the currency listed. 


TL;DR: In short, I'm hoping that outside items like buds and unusuals  instead of listing prices as in keys, we can list them in the equivalent amount of refined equal to those keys at the time of the suggestion, making the prices more future-proof and less misleading.


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this isn't necessarily an issue with backpack.tf, but more with the way we all price items.  Some items used to be 1 key and are still 1 key despite that value (in metal) has changed dramatically.  If we price things like Essential Accessories and Bill's and Big Kill (items that have pretty firm prices in keys) in terms of metal, they would need to be adjusted with every key suggestion.


I think it's as simple as: if a scenario such as the one you mentioned happens, resubmit a new more accurate price for the dirty FDU in terms of metal.

Annoying, but practical.

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 I can still see a way this would work out by leaving those items so closely and constantly value in keys. But regardless, I've begun to do just as you've advised - my new price suggestion for the dirty FDU was recently accepted.

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