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Get rid of trade-verify email!


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Here you go


How to do it:
  1. Click on your profile! 
  2. Click on ''Edit Profile''! 
  3. On the right, click on ''My Privacy Setting''! 
  4. Scroll down! 
  5. Below the ''Confirmation of Trades:'' click on ''Disabled''! 
  6. Go in your e-mail box! 
  7. Check the new e-mail sent by Steam and read it! 
  8. Verify your ''Confirmation of Trades Disabling''! 
  9. Enjoy the old and good Steam Trades


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Wait, people seriously don't know how to do this...?


Nope, valve never threw any official announcement about this, users figured it out on their own after valve updated it.


Now you have noob traders who thinks that you are "hacking" them because during trade the email verification comes up. You also have traders who uses their elder brother's/sister's or parents email so they don't have access to complete the trade. At the end, most of them does not know they can turn it off but then again, it will make them much more vulnerable because well, they are beginner traders and they don't know much.

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Most of the time it takes a max of a month


Two months ago I submitted a ticket to steam support because steam was crashing whenever it started. I provided any and all information I could, up to and including crash dump files I managed to find.

I've since fixed the issue, but I'm leaving the ticket open to see how long it takes them to respond.


Thirty seconds after submitting the ticket, I got advice that required starting steam to be able to use, which of course, I couldn't. I haven't heard anything from them since.

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Two months ago I submitted a ticket to steam support because steam was crashing whenever it started. I provided any and all information I could, up to and including crash dump files I managed to find.

I've since fixed the issue, but I'm leaving the ticket open to see how long it takes them to respond.


Thirty seconds after submitting the ticket, I got advice that required starting steam to be able to use, which of course, I couldn't. I haven't heard anything from them since.

I was mostly referring to hijacking.

Not that

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