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New EOTL Unusual Effects vs 1st Gen.


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Hello guys! I made this thread to start a discussion on the 4 new EOTL effects vs the popular 1st gen effects.


Do you think the new EOTL effects will be worth more or less? (In general)


Which do you like more?


Do you think they will be less valued after hype?


Was there hype for these effects?


What are your favorite effects from both? (EOTL + 1st Gen)


Just some points/topics for discussion ;)! Feel free to add anything valuable to the thread!


Personal answers:


Do you think the new EOTL effects will be worth more or less? (In general)

I think they will be pretty equal or even a bit above 1st gen. The effects do look pretty badass.


Which do you like more?

The EOTL Effects. Mainly Death at Dusk, Molten Mallard.


Do you think they will be less valued after hype?

Maybe a little. These are pretty sweet effects.


Was there hype for these effects?

I know I was super hyped for the Molten Mallard(You don't even know). So, Yes.


What are your favorite effects from both? (EOTL + 1st Gen)

Molten Mallard/Death at Dusk -- Burning/Sunbeams


Let me remind you that anyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your opinion is not FACT. Don't argue. This is a discussion thread not a flame thread.

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LOL @ first answer. I'ma just say right now. Nothing has and nothing will ever beat the prices of first generation effects. This is because they are rarer, easier to sell, and more desired. Anyway regarding the other questions, Molten mallard is easily the worst out of the bunch imo. The best effect would be the death at dusk, or perhaps frostbite. as steaming+bliz+com sparkle isn't that bad. Any new effect will bring hype, you saw the prices of stormy and bliz when they first came out.

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I like most of the EOTL effects more than at least half of the 1st gen effects, but I still like the energies more than any of the EOTL effects. The orbiting duck looks kind of bad though IMO.

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They are the new robo, but more. I believe Morning Glory/Death at Dusk will sit close to RA and AF, Molten Mallard close to Flaming Lantern and frostbite will be more than Blizzardy Storm.

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I really do like these new effects, I would personally put death at dusk / morning glory above the energies but below beams / burning / scorching. They're better than any of the robo-effects in my opinion (and I say that owning multiple robo effect unusuals) and definitely better than any of the second / third gens. Frostbite is pretty (what with the sparkles), but I don't think it's gonna end up anywhere near high tier. Mallard is just the worst.

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Personally I think the Molten Mallard is the best looking out of all of them, but this is coming from a guy who bought a duck journal without a second thought. Frostbite looks like a cooler version of Blizzardy Storm, but the two rising sun ones don't quite do it for me. Regardless, they're very noticeable and probably worth a lot more than the Mallard.

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Personally I think the Molten Mallard is the best looking out of all of them, but this is coming from a guy who bought a duck journal without a second thought. Frostbite looks like a cooler version of Blizzardy Storm, but the two rising sun ones don't quite do it for me. Regardless, they're very noticeable and probably worth a lot more than the Mallard.

Mallard's only good for the unusual shirt.


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1st gen will always be worth more then any other gen, No matter what you say will change that




Just look at all-class hats.  It's always Burning/Scorching/Beams >>>>>>>> everything else.  These new effects are at best at energy levels, and burning duck is definitely way below. 

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Morning Glory and Death at Dusk will probably be high tier, leveling with the energies and in occasions the "moon" effects, but definitely below flames/beams.

Frostbite will maybe be worth as much as the plasmas, maybe close to hearts/ghosts on some lower-tier unusuals. Can't see it being too high

Molten Mallard? It's going to be as unstable as Lantern/Eerie are, no doubt about that.

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