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How does someone recieve negative/positive trust?


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I've seen this "Trust" thing on people's profiles for a while now, and while I understand that positively trusted people are those that can be trusted and negatively trusted people shouldn't be so, I've never learned how you earn positive/negative reviews for trust, and at this point I'm sort of too afraid to ask.


Could someone elaborate?

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Dun be afraid to ask, should've asked sooner <3


Trust is like a rep thread to indicate if someone is trustworthy

the trust is placed by any user that is affiliated with the person at hand


Valid trusts are


  • Successful Paypal
  • Holding Items
  • Brokering
  • Spycrabbing (I think?)

Valid -trusts are

  • Scamming
  • Phishing
  • Hijacking
  • Spycrab Running
  • Sharking
  • Buying from Scammers

But note that an invalid trust/-trust is defined as 'something that is just spam', like 'Fast trader' or 'Good deals'

They will be removed and, if on multiple occurrences, will be a bannable offense


To gain trust, you must perform an action described above, and the person who was taking the risk gives the trust mark to the other user


Hope I helped ^-^

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Like what Sugar said but a lot of the time it's bullshit fake rep that the mods won't get rid off even though your report has been been for 3 days.

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