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Diablo III


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My brother bought me Diablo III today so that I could figure out the trading portion of the game and see if I could sell some of his items in the Auction House. If anyone knows something about Diablo III, especially the economic side, then please share with me.

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Basically, the economy's inflated to all hell, especially with the mass gold duplication exploit that happened a few months ago. So, don't expect to make much money on the auction house until you can efficiently grind nightmare.

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Basically, what scott said, and don't be afraid to pick up on some of the items that you find around level 20, those can go for some serious gold, incase someone made a new hero and wants some good equipment at low levels.

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I played when it first was out and trading was very profitable back then, not sure how it is anymore since i havnt even launched the game for a long time. I know i guy who made thousands in the first week. 


But its how scott said it. But the game is fun till it gets annoying to grind haha

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Haha that gold exploit was golden (ha, get it)


Basically took peoples gear they spent 100s if not 1000s of dollars to buy the gold, from farmers, needed for it, and made it worth less than 50$.


Pissed a lot of people off. 


Blizzard shut down the auction house to fix the exploit but there was no true way to track the exploit and who exploited it as, IIRC, it was done through the auction house. Just required 4 something billion/million gold and basically cycling it back and forth from the RMAH to the account doubling the amount put on it back into the players account. People ended up with trillions of gold. Blizzard has yet to rollback the servers and most likely will not. But quadrillions of gold is estimated to be circulating the economy that shouldnt be.


Now, is it fun to play? Meh, once you can solo/tag team diablo in inferno, with ease, its kind of lame. 


Good game story, but as for making money off it, not really at least until the gold dupe crisis is level'd out.


It is a grind fest through. Even though Blizzard tried to keep it from becoming so, but with only so many ways to create characters, leveling teams and gold farmers its the same ol story, unfortunately.

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