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Feed the beast (Minecraft modpack)

Christley </3 Peelz

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im starting my own thread about feed the beast because it cant even be compared to regular minecraft, its an entire new game.

i was wondering if anyone is playing it here. i run my own server so i play quite often


i might aswell show some pictures of my place so you can see how different it is from regular minecraft




thunder keeps destroying my towers' roof




entrance to my nether portal






part of my machine room. those are the machines i need for gregtech stuff. i use mj machines wherever i can.






most part of my old setup in my machine room






how my base looks like (except it has some windows now)






the palace yard


FTB <3


I love FTB but running a successful public FTB server with more than 5 people on it is utterly impossible.


I love FTB but running a successful public FTB server with more than 5 people on it is utterly impossible.

public sure. my whitelist one played with 8 players on at most times untill they all quit the same day about 1½ month ago

so not that hard. if i understand what you mean


public sure. my whitelist one played with 8 players on at most times untill they all quit the same day about 1½ month ago

so not that hard. if i understand what you mean

As in I get players whining that it is too RPG-ish. That's the point of the FTB server on my network lol.


As in I get players whining that it is too RPG-ish. That's the point of the FTB server on my network lol.

and what do they expect it to be then?


and what do they expect it to be then?

Most of my players seem to lose a chromosome when they log into my server.


Most of my players seem to lose a chromosome when they log into my server.

how sad.

most my players seem to corrupt the map. ive had chunk resets 4 times, wrongly placed chunks 8 times and corrupt chunks 2 times. and thats just from 3 players.


how sad.

most my players seem to corrupt the map. ive had chunk resets 4 times, wrongly placed chunks 8 times and corrupt chunks 2 times. and thats just from 3 players.

when you get into the hundres of players you stop giving a shit lol.

I had to move dedi's and all my maps were corrupt.


when you get into the hundres of players you stop giving a shit lol.

I had to move dedi's and all my maps were corrupt.

sucks when players keep doing it/modcreators place those bugs in the game.

what sucks is that i can recreate 3 ways of chunk resetting and making that area totally unplayable (you cant get into it at all without crashing)


Haven't tried FTB yet. I played Tekkit/Thaumcraft a lot, I think it's the same kind of thing, though I might be mistaken. I'll give it a whirl at some point.


Haven't tried FTB yet. I played Tekkit/Thaumcraft a lot, I think it's the same kind of thing, though I might be mistaken. I'll give it a whirl at some point.

pretty much like tekkit.

thaumcraft is a part of ftb


pretty much like tekkit.

thaumcraft is a part of ftb


Yeah. I downloaded it. It runs like complete ass for some reason. I'll have to tweak it a little so I'm getting more than 10 FPS average.


Yeah. I downloaded it. It runs like complete ass for some reason. I'll have to tweak it a little so I'm getting more than 10 FPS average.

ftb is very heavy on your computer sometimes. if you're having trouble with the original minecraft, then ftb isnt really for you, unless you play ftb lite


ftb is very heavy on your computer sometimes. if you're having trouble with the original minecraft, then ftb isnt really for you, unless you play ftb lite


Nah, Vanilla MC runs great, average 60 FPS with all settings on high. I have been having a few issues with some games lately, though. So it's probably something wrong with the comp.


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