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Current Palestine conflict.

Joshua Cain

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Isreal must stand up and declare a non-hostile position. They must stop rockets and stop preparing for war. They have to stay with this position even if Hamas/whomever makes an attack. The UN must then simply declare a Palestinian state with negotiable boarders.


Israel must take a defensive position while the UN becomes the primary negotiating partner as well as the authority that governs assistance/support that the Palestinians gets. Israel and Palestine can no longer be in talks with eachother. Too many times a good deal has been turned down by palestinians because there are others who benifit from a continued conflict.

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stop shoot rockets to us, and then the war will stop.

the crazy hamas shooting hundreds of rockets to our country in the last weeks. this is clearly a war crime. it makes a big trauma here.


>inb4 "muh 6 gorrilion"


stop shoot rockets to us, and then the war will stop.

the crazy hamas shooting hundreds of rockets to our country in the last weeks. this is clearly a war crime. it makes a big trauma here.

a war crime is the genocide you did against palestine some time ago (land occupying, ethnic cleansing) and how you broke all international laws, doing whatever you wanted just because you had more military. 


* And I'm not saying I support Hamas or terrorist groups


a war crime is the genocide you did against palestine some time ago (land occupying, ethnic cleansing) and how you broke all international laws, doing whatever you wanted just because you had more military. 


we are just destroying the homes of the hamas members, full of weapons and ammo that supposed to kill us.

some civilians are dying because of this and i don't support this ofcourse, but they are not giving israel any other choise. when they will stop the attacks, we will stop aswell.

hamas were may kill hundreds of israelis with their rockets.




we are just destroying the homes of the hamas members, full of weapons and ammo that suppused to kill us.

some civilians are dying and i don't support this ofcourse, but they are not giving israel any other choise. when they will stop the attacks, we will stop aswell.

hamas were may kill hundreds of israelis with their rockets.


"but they are not giving israel any other choise" so bombing civillians is needed. Okay.

also hamas has killed people with their rockets but the number doesn't even reach one hundred


What I'm saying is that israel CAN'T talk about "war crimes"


Israel is a asshole. They are too confident. Hubris would bring them down later


Israel is a asshole. They are too confident. Hubris would bring them down later



Israel is a asshole. They are too confident. Hubris would bring them down later



The collapse of Israel never really was a matter of "if" so much as "when".


So it's OK when Hamas attacks Israel, but when Israel responds it's genocide and a war crime. Lol!


"but they are not giving israel any other choise" so bombing civillians is needed. Okay.

also hamas has killed people with their rockets but the number doesn't even reach one hundred


What I'm saying is that israel CAN'T talk about "war crimes"


What the hell do you think the Holocaust was? A dinner social?


Based on the responses, I don't think any of us are educated enough to provide an answer.



All I know is that both sides are guilty of their own war-crimes.


From what I heard, Israel has a very powerful defence force. They are surrounded by enemies however, and I'm afraid peace will never be made. Everyone is attacking each other.


What the hell do you think the Holocaust was? A dinner social?

What the hell do you think the ethnic cleansing of Palestine done by Israel was? What the hell do you think Israel's expansion was? What the hell do you think the imposition of israel's culture over palestine was? Do you think it's okay to go to a zone with tanks and say "this is now my land, get out, you worthless scum"? What about the apartheid-like laws that discriminate the palestinians in Israel and remove LOTS of their rights? Isn't that like what the nazi did with Jews?


I would caution anyone who takes an anti-Israel position to examine and research your arguments.


Practically every single anti-Israel argument I have seen is deeply seeded in islamic and western anti-Semitic sentiment and Zionist conspiracy.


For that reason I find it very difficult to believe claims of "war crimes" and "aggression" instigated by Israel throughout the years. It is my position that Israel is being EXTREMELY soft on her aggressors and she should utterly wipe them out in war time situation aka. everyone must accept the plain fact that civilian casualties exist in any war. BTW: The reason it seems there are so much more Palestinian civilian casualties is that Israel is just way way way way better at defending her citizens than the backwards countries around her...


Ok so .. Isael first invaded palestine and took over their land .. Then they started to stop the entrance of food/water and basically all the stuff that is necessary for human life .. Israel was and still always bombing and invading cities and taking over religious instutions and places (al aqsa for example) .. Living in palestine is worse than Syria .. and then when they try to defend back it's the palestinians fault and we forget what Israel and it's companions did in Palestinians land ? Wow


How about we just nuke everything? That way there won't be any conflict ever again.



You are forgetting to include one key detail: all the wars the Arabs instigated (which they utterly lost) against the Jews.


You are also failing to include all the land that the Jews actually GAVE BACK after securing it in those pathetically one-sided wars.


Ok so .. Isael first invaded palestine and took over their land .. Then they started to stop the entrance of food/water and basically all the stuff that is necessary for human life .. Israel was and still always bombing and invading cities and taking over religious instutions and places (al aqsa for example) .. Living in palestine is worse than Syria .. and then when they try to defend back it's the palestinians fault and we forget what Israel and it's companions did in Palestinians land ? Wow


and what's the problem with that? the britains owned that land and given it to us. arabs were may live there and now there is 2 million arabs (20%) in israel. israel is a democratic state and the arabs can live there as long as they don't do anything against us.


http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Peace/weeklygazaaid.html nice lie.


yes, we are bobming the places we need to bomb, which is the houses of hamas members or any place that they can use it for terror. you except 0 civillians to die? ofc civillians will die, and IDF is atleast TRYING to not kill them. in many cases the army are not allowed to bomb the place for that reason, and IDF warn the civillians on the bulidingsl. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roof_knocking

not even a single army in the world do that.

hamas is using civillians as human shield. they put their terror things in hospitals, mosques, schools etc so IDF would not bomb them.


ohh no.. so a mosque isn't in a placed in a state called palestine. big deal. also arabs can join it everytime they want.

and it also containts the western wall that is holy for us.


defending? sneding rockets to a places with millions of people is called defending? it's called terror. you are shooting hundreds of rockets and no one of us dying because we know well how to defend ourself.


kul kalb biji yomo.



What the hell do you think the ethnic cleansing of Palestine done by Israel was? What the hell do you think Israel's expansion was? What the hell do you think the imposition of israel's culture over palestine was? Do you think it's okay to go to a zone with tanks and say "this is now my land, get out, you worthless scum"? What about the apartheid-like laws that discriminate the palestinians in Israel and remove LOTS of their rights? Isn't that like what the nazi did with Jews?


Ethic cleansing? You know that if we wanted to genocide palestine, we can do it in less than 24 hours.


Expansion? I'm sure that Camp david accords, oslo accords and the israeli disengagement are very bad expansions from israel. probably because israel didn't gave enough lands (all).


Nobody said that it's our land and therefore they can't live here. it's our land but they can live here.


I would love to know about a single israeli law that discriminating the arabs.


We don't do them what the nazis did to us, but they do. they don't want jews to live in palestine just like how the nazis didn't wanted jews to live in the reich.




What's about the sinai? and gush katif? :)



These maps are misleading. The first map shows where jews owned land that they lived on. The second map represents additional land that jews had purchased but were renting to Palestinians.


The second map was proposed by the UN and offered to both parties. Jews accepted and the palastinians refused gambling on support from other Arab countries that would give them all of the land. This is the source of thier choice to not accept the existance of Israel.


The third map is the result of these events.


The forth map is a result of wars with the surrounding Arab countries. These wars were the result of those countries attacking Israel.


At this point these countries have mostly abandoned the Palastinian effort. In that light, Palastinians will never get back what they had before the 1920's nor will they get even the original proposed amount from 1947 and at best may get the map from 1967. Remember most of this land (1949 map) was purchased from the Palastinians legally. There is no claim they can make to that land.


There is no strategy that the current Palastinian leadership is deploying that accomplishes anything. My original post is to note that the only strategy left for Israel is to allow the Palastinian leadership to attack them without retaliation but continue thier business/sociel connections with the common Palastinian leadership in an effort to win over the average Palastinian citizen. Israel needs to counter the messege that comes from the Hamas government.


Guys I came in Tel Aviv to have some vacation, and is really scaring when you hear the signal that tells you to go in to the bonb shell, even if we have the Iron Dome to protect us. And for Palestine supporters and Israel haters: I remember you that you are supporting a absolute religious monarchy that doesen't allow you to have freedom of speech or anything else, and you are against a democracy that give the muslims the same rights of the jews and a state that warns Palestine's civilians before bombing their house (What other state would do this?). I'm taking some words for make understand the situation to people that want peace: If Palestine put down their weapons, the peace in the Middle East will be done, if Israel put down their weapons, It won't esist anymore... (I feel sorry if my english is bad)


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