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Would it be smart for a person to hoard all the rare uncrafts


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The ones with like 50 or less existing


like cowl, dead cone, brain bucket, ect

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The ones with like 50 or less existing


like cowl, dead cone, brain bucket, ect

Nope, not really. You might end up like this guy :


http://backpack.tf/u/76561198031351917 --> He mass bought lots of strange part heavies killed (About 130 of them) and thought that price would sky rocket but it hasn't sadly.


Hoarding items doesn't necessarily mean that price will sky rocket. There has to be demand for it as well. As for uncraft hats/miscs I don't see much demand, you will only end up selling all of them at a very slow process.


Also, wrong forum. Asking a mod to move it if you don't mind.  ^_^

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fucking avery.

He finally decided to sell it. I guess his mind came into reality that it might be a long while for this to go up or valve might just put this into another new crate soon.




It might not be smart profit wise, but it'd make for a nice side hobby to collect.


I collect the festives as a side hobby. Up or down doesnt matter to me. As for uncraftables...yea. No demand whatsoever.


You have better luck hoarding keys.


The worth of an item is dictated by how much someone else would pay for it dont see people paying too much for a different boarder for a common item imo xD


It's a risk.  Valve may screw you over at some point by introducing an update that makes your collection worthless.  I've seen it happen to people before.


It's a risk.  Valve may screw you over at some point by introducing an update that makes your collection worthless.  I've seen it happen to people before.

Like, poeple who invested in the Strange Grenade Launcher ? 


Like, poeple who invested in the Strange Grenade Launcher ? 


I was talking more along the lines of the clean non-genuine merc's pride scarfs and other items which were previously only available because of a glitch.  Then valve changed it so that every hat/misc from the store was clean, which made the clean merc's and other items no longer rare and therefore instantly worthless compared to the appx 1 bud value they had before that update.  I know of several people who collected those rare items and paid a lot for them, and in one update they lost hundreds of dollars or more depending on how many of them that they had collected.


Taunts were also recently changed from uncraft to clean.  I had 3 uncraft taunts in my bp and they all became clean because of a recent update.  The whole reason I got those taunts in the first place was because they were dirty, and now it no longer matters.


Hoarding is like betting. All it takes is for one thing to go wrong then you've lost out.
I've had a similar experience with Unique Festive Sappers before the update. I was making 2-3 sales every day for more than bp.tf and was stocking up on them whenever I could. I had a full 50 at one point. Then the update came and no one wanted their Festive Sappers anymore.  Sales dropped to 1 a week and I was stuck with 50 items that probably won't go up till christmas. Thankfully there were collectors buying festive sappers at backpack.tf prices so I could pass on the majority of my stock to them but this was just a bit of luck.


One of the most successful uncraft collectors here;


unless you really really love what you do and don't care about the market, I would not recommend hoarding all the rare uncrafts.


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