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Will Hi-five taunts, Strange shotguns, Strange Black boxes, and tools ever rise again?


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hi5 taunts will not rise most likely, as a multitude of new taunts have been added, which shot the old taunts down

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Don't use them as investments, by the time they could go up again a new sale or crate will reduce their price again

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hi5 taunts will not rise most likely, as a multitude of new taunts have been added, which shot the old taunts down



Tools: No, scm

S. Black box: No, scm

S. Shotty: No[maybe a bit], scm

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Hi five was classic, 1 key, very little competition.


Now with many taunts to compete with, hi five is going down the shitter.


It's not the worst, but it's not the best.

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