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Castle Crashers crazy glitch


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So I was playing Castle Crashers, and it was a bit laggy, but still playable, as my friend was the host. We were in the desert level and we were talking on Skype. He said "We can go after we kill these enemies." I was confused as there were no enemies on my screen. He said "You're getting attacked. Great. Now were dead. Were on the level up screen". I was even more confused and I thought he was just messing with me. He said "Go right two times and click A" and so I did. Well he said okay now were in the blacksmith place. I'm going to upload a screen shot." And so he did. Well, I told him to go right, and he did. The enemies spawned, he died, but I killed them. He said what are you doing?" and I told him I was killing the enemies. http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276254134 Was from my perspective. I told him to use his magic attack, and he took this screenshot. http://steamcommunity.com//sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=276254705 Both of those were taken when we were in the same game, his shorty after mine. (~20 seconds) Anybody know why it did this? 

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This game came out like what, 5-6 years ago?

The multiplayer was busted on launch and sounds like it's still not playable.

Fun as hell game to play locally though.

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Ahhh this glitch; I've had this happen before. It's happens usually when someones connection to the game hiccups or lags out a bit; to the person who had the connection problem, they are still in the same area, but have problems going to other areas (can't go through doors or next screen). On the other person's screen however they have progressed much farther, yet the other player is technically still present.

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