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Which unreleased game are you looking forward to most?


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This could be a game that comes out later this year, or in 2014, or 2020. Basically an announced but unreleased game.


For me, I'd probably have to say AC4 until I can think of something different.


MGS5 looks pretty slick!


metro last light


Planning a new build with fabled SLI 780/Titan Ultra to max out MLL on an 8-core CPU (AMD or Intel)


Half-Life 3


(every year man, every year) 


After Bioshock Infinite I haven't been hyped for anything


cod ghosts

omg best game evur


team fortress 2.1 

no man tf3


Battlefield 4

Nah Man Battlefield 3 For Sure dude have you seen the trailers its goina be so good cant wait for the release at E3


Nah Man Battlefield 3 For Sure dude have you seen the trailers its goina be so good cant wait for the release at E3

That is already out, silly duffa


Currently, i'm not looking forward to anything. I was mainly excited for Bioshock infinite. For now, i'm just going to keep buying random games on sale on steam. That seems to be working out.


portal 3

Has that actually been announced? I thought it was mostly rumors and/or hearsay.


Was looking forward to star wars 1313 but that got killed by disney. 


Right now looking forward to Battlefield 4 and metro last light 


Then remember me , dark souls 2 , watch dogs, and last of us


Only 2 I have any interest in is GTA 5 and Metro: Last Light. Kinda interested in Bungie's new title but thats more of a wait and see deal right now.


I'm waiting for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII to release on the PS3 just so I can finally get some conclusion from the series. Each of the previous endings were total cliffhangers.


witcher 3, gta5, and pokemon x&y (gona be buying my first 3ds for it)


Half-Life-- *sobs*


But seriously, Metro Last Light.


Buying a second 670 for some SLI goodness and also to get the game for free.


Definitely the Last of Us, Naughty Dog never dissapoints


The Robo-crate update. 


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