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Why are some unusual pricings using the wrong price?


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I've never understood this. Here is two examples:



He showed a sale at 35 yet he sets the price at 41.4 buds.



He showed a sale at 42 pure, yet he putted up a range of 44-46.2 buds.


Both got accepted.

Can somoene explain this to me?

changes in bud and key prices cause the listed values now to be different than the original suggested prices

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Do not use this site for pricing unusuals, ever. Use your best judgement and *current* offers on TF2OP. Past offers are completely meaningless; don't be fooled.

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This was when unusuals were stored as USD price and not "buds/keys".


The logic for this was if an unusual sold for ~1 bud and was ~25$ at the time, and later if buds rise to be ~35$ would it also make the unusual worth 35$? So back then it was stored at USD which made the prices shift around.


This has now been changed for newer suggestions (but older ones still change...)as it was proven to be a failure as it made prices really inaccurate when keys/refs/buds kept changing making items really over priced or under priced. 

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Do not use this site for pricing unusuals, ever. Use your best judgement and *current* offers on TF2OP. Past offers are completely meaningless; don't be fooled

I'm using it to help finding prices but of course I look it up myself before doing a trade.

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This was when unusuals were stored as USD price and not "buds/keys".


The logic for this was if an unusual sold for ~1 bud and was ~25$ at the time, and later if buds rise to be ~35$ would it also make the unusual worth 35$? So back then it was stored at USD which made the prices shift around.


This has now been changed for newer suggestions as it was proven to be a failure as it made prices really inaccurate when keys/refs/buds kept changing making items really over priced or under priced. 

Alright, that makes sence.

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Do not use this site for pricing unusuals, ever. Use your best judgement and *current* offers on TF2OP. Past offers are completely meaningless; don't be fooled.

Implying using unusual prices for 'guestimates' is wrong.

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Implying using unusual prices for 'guestimates' is wrong.


A lot of traders don't use them that way at all, at least when they are trying to convince potential victims buyers/sellers.  They're very aggressive about pushing bp.tf prices on others when it suits them, and very aggressive about trying to discrediting bp.tf when it suits them as well.

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