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First time I've seen this phishing technique


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So I just got this invite after bumping my unusual trade on outpost, and this person added me (for obvious reasons, I've blocked out the full url, please don't visit the website): 



This seems way more dangerous, because that URL actually links to a .scr file (functions the same as .exe files) instead of an image. And when people see .scr and scrnsht, they usually assume it's an image.


I've also gotten another add maybe 12 hours ago, but it was a guy saying he wants to trade my unusuals for his "dota 2 unusuals" and said he wants to show me pictures of it, then proceeded to link to the same site but with a different filename that does the exact same thing.


I think a lot of people would fall for this more than the random "my friend wants to trade you blahblah", because you wouldn't really suspect an image of being some kind of possible keylogger or malware.

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yeah someone did that to me, i thought it was legit at first but im very cautious when people send me links 

too good to be true i think 

"yeah i did a free thing for you!"   <----- legit as fuck

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Meh. they learned english a bit more than average and bothered to take a hint from real porn sites everywhere that get people to click links that download viruses and adware.

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thats not really new 


sending links to pages that get you viruses

I've never gotten a link to an image that can do that, though.

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Meh. they learned english a bit more than average and bothered to take a hint from real porn sites everywhere that get people to click links that download viruses and adware.


65% of my phishing adds are still like

'' Hi my frend wants to trad you but he hes stem error cant trade ad him pls he pays your byout!1

[Phishing link that does not even work as a link]''

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If someone adds you and the first thing they try to get you to do is click a link they sent no matter what it is 100% a phishing link, people need to understand that

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a phisher that responds? 





we make 10,000 forummm threadssss

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God dammit.


Now woman and homosexuals have better chance to not get phished. I mean c'mon, you know it's our weakness, take something else.

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a phisher that responds?



Still seems like bot responses in my opinion... They seem vague enough to be at least


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