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Unusual Hat & Effect Tiers


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Lol wat?


I'm browsing outpost trades, and all I see in the unusual trades is that people want "God tier" unusual's and "High Tier" effects.

I search around and I cant seem to find what they are.

Can you list each type of unusual effect tiers, like god tier, middle tier etc. AND also add things like what effects are Summer, Robo etc. 

Also list the unusual hat tiers please.


Thanks everyone!

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Go to the unusual pricing list and you can get a general idea of how the hats and effects rank against each other.

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if you have to ask this question then you shouldn't be trading in unusuals of that level. True "God-Tier" hats are 50 buds and up but "high tier" generally means something worth 5+ buds that's not a new effect.

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I won't list every effect, and a large portion of it is subjective to begin with, but here would be a list of effects (Not necessarily in ranked order either, just listing them in general terms):


God Tier:



At least 1, and sometimes all, of the Moon Effects (Harvest Moon, Cloudy Moon, It's a Secret)




Minor God Tier (subjective and wildly varies per hat, but the highest these can go is sometimes over high tier):






High Tier:

Purp and Green Energy (much more stable effect than the 4 above it, but may not always get as much as them)

Circling Heart

The other 2013 Halloween effects

Possibly stuff like Misty Skull, Knifestorm, Stormy 13th

Maybe Ghosts


Mid Tier:







For hats, just look at the average bp.tf price for unusuals (this is not accurate for very new unusual hats, or ones where the only effects priced are top end/low end). The entire first row, besides Executioner and maybe BoA, would prob be considered God tier.

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The stuff that looks good is good

while this is generally true its largely opinionated.

for example i rate confetti higher than burning, reasonably visible confetti particles that have much more character than an orange flame that the pyro can even shoot doesnt compare

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Space Jesus pretty much gave the most accurate answer.  First and foremost, the terms "god-tier" and "high tier" are subjective, and will change from person to person.  Also remember, a got tier effect on a low tier hat is still a god tier effect, but the unusual as a whole is not god tier.  


Example: Burning Flames Magnificent Mongolian =/= God tier


The highest tier hats in general include all-class hats and any miscs, as well as some of the more popular hats for individual classes.  If you look at the unusual pricelist, I'd argue that the 3 top rows (in average price) are god tier hats.  Once again, a god tier hat with a cheap effect doesn't equal god tier overall.


Example: Steaming Killer Exclusive =/= God tier


The only place that god-tier unusuals exist is at the combination of god tier hat and god tier effect.  However, I'd argue that anything entering double digits on pricing (>10 buds) is generally considered god tier, or at least very high tier, by the masses.    


Edit:  If you see someone selling an unusual and listing it as "god-tier", if it's not obviously a god tier hat they're probably just trying to convince the buyer or get attention.  

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There are no "god tier" hats or effects. 


God tier implies a really nice hat with a really nice effect. For example, a Burning Kabuto would be considered god tier. Whereas high tier can either be a high tier hat or a high tier effect. 

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High Tier: Every 1st gen Effect and 1st gen Halloween


Mid Tier: 2nd gen, 2nd/3rd gen Halloween, Robo effects


Low Tier: Summer effects

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High Tier: Every 1st gen Effect and 1st gen Halloween


Mid Tier: 2nd gen, 2nd/3rd gen Halloween, Robo effects


Low Tier: Summer effects

That's ridiculously inaccurate. That suggests Fies above secret, nuts above disco, etc.

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That's ridiculously inaccurate. That suggests Fies above secret, nuts above disco, etc.


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