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  2. agreed me personally if they come to me and tell me the day before that they lost interest or found something else or have an offer they like more, i am fine with that if its the day of and they tell me they are not interested then depending on how long I had to wait will determine if I leave a -rep if they ghost me and or block me with no warning, even if its only been a day I will still leave a -rep just cus of the lack of communication, I will still try to add them back but if they are clearly ignoring me/ ignored my request then its an automatic -rep communication is everything
  3. Personally, I would want the seller just as accountable as the buyer. You CAN back out of your deal as a seller to take a better offer/reconsider, just like you can back out of a deal as a buyer to get something else/reconsider. Backing out is a valid reason for a -trust on either side.
  4. Yesterday
  5. its a form of fraud. they had ZERO interest to pay up incase they lose and would ABSOLUTELY hassle you to pay up if they won.
  6. This and Banana’s post is written in the case which where it is the buyer who backs out -which usually is the case. What if the seller backs out?
  7. yeah “sellers” get upset at “collectors” for bailing and then use the trust system as a punishment/revenge system. however, in the rare case that the hat is reserved for the “collector,” and that person bails after let’s say 2 months, I think it is valid It’s not fair for a buyer to add someone, demand a hat be held for them, and then fuck off when they decide they don’t care anymore. Adding someone and saying you’ll have 170 keys in 2 weeks isn’t reserving a hat, it’s just saying you’ll try to collect. Adding that same person and saying you’ll give them their pure price if they hold the hat for you is reserving, and comes with the expectation that you fulfill your end of the deal. You should only make offers you can afford right now, you can’t really account for the future like you think you can. If you walk into a Porsche dealer knowing you have Honda money don’t expect miracles to happen, expect a pissed off salesman with a bone to pick
  8. I see running from a spy crab just like backing out of a trade agreement cus that's kinda what they are spy crab: 2 parties involved made an agreement that the loser pays the winner trade agreement: 2 parties involved agreed on a price that would be paid when keys/ item(s) become tradable, when they get keys/item(s) to pay while yes you can just look at rep.tf to see if some on ran from a spy crab but not everyone does that, when I started trading I only looked at backpack and if you weren't banned then I would trade with you I don't expect any new commers to check rep.tf to see If someone's trust worry or even expect them to know rep.tf exists HOWEVER I do understand and respect a reasons as to remove them and that is theres no proof so you could just be slandering someone's name with nothing to back up said clams so in order for the -rep to stand on backpack I think that the user must have been banned from said server(s) for running from a spy crab in other words no server ban no -rep
  9. Some steamrep affiliated community servers ban/used to ban for it and can also give out sr bans for it iirc.
  10. i find it odd to be removed. they are still scamming and im pretty sure steamrep also banned players for doing this. i remembered some getting banned for that. have you tried making a report over here?
  11. I agree that -Trusts from spycrabs are important and should be a valid mark on someone's profile. I totally understand bp not wanting to get involved with handling reports or bans regarding spycrabbing, but their -Trust system is generally regarded as our community's reputation gauge. So recording running from a spycrab is completely valid IMO. Seperately.. I also want to comment on the fact that you currently can be -Trust'd for backing out of a trade. If anything THIS is something that needs to go away. To me, this doesn't mean you aren't trustable. Shit happens, and literally any good trader understands that. If you blindly take someone's word on a collecting offer then get upset when it doesn't work out... you're ignorant and that's an irrefutable fact. If you ever find yourself in a situation where someone is making a collecting offer for your item, request a deposit. 5-10% of the total trade value in pure. Example: 100 key hat, buyer will have the pure ready in 2 weeks. Okay, give me 10 keys now, the remaining 90 when the day comes. Then if the buyer wants to walk away during those two weeks, he forfeits his 10 key deposit, and the seller can walk away without feeling butthurt about losing his deal. Buyer pays the price for committing then changing his mind. Fair to both sides. But without a deposit, someone's word in trading means nothing. Stop accepting collecting offers then getting confused and upset when they bail. They always bail, because there is no binding agreement. This should NOT be a valid -Trust reason.
  12. I personally think so too. As mentioned by SpotLightR on the last week's forum post, "I can see why -reps accrued from spycrab running would be viewed with a higher level of scrutiny, such as requiring proof of agreeing to the value of the wager. However, they should definitely be visible if valid - I don't see how breaking a spycrab agreement is any different from other agreements based on trust, like running from a cash trade. If I was planning on conducting business with a user, I would certainly want to know if they had run from any type of agreement in the past, and Backpack.tf is where I would first expect to find this information." The -rep should be warranted and having at least those -reps in place could prevent future spycrab running.
  13. I think if you're going to host rep threads, it's part of your duty of care to make sure things like this are recorded. Someones reputation is more than just cash trading. Obviously it's not my site so I don't get to make the rules, I understand that, but that's my 2c.
  14. Hi everyone. I just wanted to continue my discussion topic relating to Spycrab Runners. My previous post linked talked about spycrab running is here: As I said previous post last week, DaVinchi and I tried - repping the EGZOZCU, my former friend on backpack.tf, but it was removed as it was mentioned it was better to reach out to the server to get them banned. They were banned but the question stands: Why do we remove the -rep? Wouldn't it be better for him to have the -reps as a way for other gamblers to be wary of this user for spycrab running. For example again EGZOZCU, who ran from a 60 key crab from me last week - https://backpack.tf/u/76561198125894529 His -rep for price manipulation stays, but him running from spycrabs despite having evidence gets removed. If I lost, I would have paid him without a doubt. Anyways after doing more research last week, his rep.tf said he ran from a key crab. - https://rep.tf/76561198125894529 I do admit I only saw his -rep on backpack.tf and I should've kept on the push for a middleman. I should have done my due diligence. Nonetheless I do believe that if we can +rep users in paying up in spycrabbing, then we should be able to - rep people running from spycrabs. Anyways, feedback welcome. Thanks and have a great one!
  15. HalfDutchTiger

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    I would open a thousand powerhouse cases to get a thunderbolt with a shocking effect.
  16. JayTuut

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    Welp that dangerous editing of the files to stop the crashing was pointless Russell... lel
  17. AwesomeSause

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    filled storage crates in your case worth 20 ref in total
  18. RussellSproutz

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    I'd take that too tbh. At this rather I got to either make another alt account or liquidate my keys into liquid items like HOUWARs.
  19. Lucyfer

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    Don't really even want bigger backpacks per say, fuck just give me the storage crates that csgo has that hold 1000 items
  20. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    cyrus took it all sorry dw
  21. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    Fallback available.
  22. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    thank you russell cool news baby steps towards the next major update
  23. AwesomeSause

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    E orb fixed and added back in (nothing was wrong with it to be honest valve just wanted people to panic more about rarity) New allclass aloha shirt and shorts Miscs can be dropped as unusuals but much rarer White KS sheen?? Maybe idk Adding new zealium (silver Australian variant, fanmade already so could be put in*) *New subtle weapons that don't ruin the game for an entire year (again, already made, just need to be put in) Fixing the community workshop so it's not stupid stuff that is kind of ugly and doesn't even drop Unboxing during events allows any unusual effect and any hat
  24. AwesomeSause

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    Too bad the game died,,,,,
  25. JuliescArtworks

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    Now can we fantasize about a 4th slot for cosmetics?
  26. An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include: Fixed an issue where the game would be falsely detected as malware by some anti-viruses Fixed a crash relating to using some Unicode characters on Linux View the full article
  27. mptour

    TF2 64 Bit is Out!

    new weapon effects when
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