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OSX TF2 Trading Bot


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Good afternoon!


I have a problem, as you may already know from the tags.


I have a common curse in this gaming community- OSX.


I can't do many things, and I can't play any of my beloved visual novels.


So, with this said, I need some assistance/a verdict.


Is there a way to make a trading bot for OSX, and can it be done just as easily as on PC?


Does anyone on here have any experience with it, or can anyone help me out?


I've already talked to Bone about it, and his bots seem to work only on Windows.


Thank you in advance,



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Hey, I didn't really see this coming. But anyways, I will comment on this


Most of the bots out there use Jessecar's SteamBot base (Creator of scrap.TF)


Link - https://github.com/Jessecar96/SteamBot/


This base is supposed to be running ONLY on windows therefore there is no way you can make an OSX bot using it.. (in my knowledge)


I reckon ive seen a couple other bases but they are not so popular and probably outdated. Never tried em tbh.


You should really try downloading Parallels or VMware Fusion to run windows on your OSX



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Yeah, I've been told to try that quite a bit, but I'm stuck on a dying MacBook Pro and I don't want to kill it.


I guess I'm just a bit shaky around a separate operating system on my computer, as I don't know how stable it is.


I actually tried to search around and attempt at making my own bot for a little while, as I've got some mild programming knowledge from my computer science class in high school. (That was in Java, though. C# isn't my fortè)


Thank you very much for the super fast input, I'll see about trying some sort of windows parallel on my computer.


I've been looking into a new computer anyways, so perhaps killing the poor machine would be best. :P



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Have you tried Mono?

I have, yes. That's what I tried first, actually.


I just couldn't seem to get past a couple large errors, and decided to give up after a couple of days. I used Jessecar's bot frame to start with, so that could have totally been the issue if his only works on Windows, like Bone suggested.


I could always give it another shot if you've got any pointers.



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wats dat

It's a program that allows me to work in C# on a Mac.


It works for Linux and others, as well.


It's a separate IDE, I believe.


I didn't get too far in depth with it, so I could be totally wrong.

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Yeah, that's a bit odd.


Thank you very much for the research, though. I'll look into that a bit more, see if I can do something with it.

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I had several reasons to move away from SteamBot, one of them being that C# isn't exactly portable. Yes, Mono exists, but, meh.


Both backpack.tf and Bazaar.tf use Node.js for Steam bot implementations. Node works on pretty much every platform that is available and isn't restricted by proprietary means.




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I had several reasons to move away from SteamBot, one of them being that C# isn't exactly portable. Yes, Mono exists, but, meh.


Both backpack.tf and Bazaar.tf use Node.js for Steam bot implementations. Node works on pretty much every platform that is available and isn't restricted by proprietary means.





Wonderful, thank you very much! Is there any way you could give me a hand on getting things running? Node is very new to me, so I have little to no idea what I should do. 


If you'd like me to pay you somehow, I could arrange for that. 

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from the directory you are building your application in, use the npm command line utility to acquire the libraries previously posted, instructions for each are provided in their readmes


From there it's just JavaScript so you just have to type shit and it works


You will have to get used to the asynchronous nature of Node as it is 99% callbacks

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from the directory you are building your application in, use the npm command line utility to acquire the libraries previously posted, instructions for each are provided in their readmes


From there it's just JavaScript so you just have to type shit and it works


You will have to get used to the asynchronous nature of Node as it is 99% callbacks


Gotcha, thank you yet again. 

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