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This forum seems dead, What're your thoughts on AnCap?


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Anarcho-Capitalism, being such a fringe view on politics, will probably not revive the sub-forum. Provide a specific aspect of your the make-believe world of Ancapistan if you'd like to argue. To tide over until then, here are some issues!


  • The obvious course towards monopoly. The thing with business is that there is no morality, and without a government to hold them accountable, this is an even more major issue than it is now. The wealth disparities that we see today would only grow and the companies that keep winning over competitors will not stop and monopolies will be ensured in near every field.
  • With the capitalist aspect added to anarchy, you are replacing the government with an unrecognized oligarchy, being the companies that indirectly control the world.
  • Regulations and protections are not all against the people. As stated before, morality is not something associated with business. A free market does not guarantee safe products (food, drugs, etc) or general care for the world we live in, with global warming and pollution of the environment, and the people in our society, children and everyone else that benefits from our worker's rights currently.
  • There is an extremely low chance that a government raised society will suddenly change their views, even from anti-government, to anarchist. A very fringe group is arguing for anarchy, while the majority desire the state. The state can not live on its own, it requires the support and contribution of their population.
  • Money can overrule the implied strict social standards that are supposed to keep us together.
  • What about a justice system? Disputes will still exist.
  • What about foreign views on the not-so-nation and the policies of its inhabitance?
  • Voluntaryism (which has been distorted and co-opted by the right) will not extend to the degree of which we require government support. Libraries, welfare, etc. are all things I see as possible under voluntaryist society, but these are basic. Things we need, that are not likely to be provided by the generosity of the rich, include, but are not limited to Military, police, firefighters, social security (arguably necessary), healthcare, schools, roads (most), sewage, emergency alert systems, and exploration with no real monetary incentive (NASA, scientific grants, etc).
  • Mixed Market > Free Market in general
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