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How is TF2 Trading?


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I haven't been trading in ages. What is it like now? 


How long does it take to sell an unusual? Are people less willing to trade now?


Are people willing to spend their keys or are they stockpiling them?


Why are buds so low when they are so limited compared to ever-increasing keys in the market?




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I haven't traded for very long. In fact, I have only played for about a year. 


However, I do know that buds crashed partly because there is no longer a limit to how many items you can put in a trade. People kept selling them and undercutting each other and eventually it got to the point it's at now. Buds are no longer the currency used in unusual trading. We use keys now. Buds are just another cosmetic item. TheVirtualEconomist made a good video about it on his YouTube channel. 


People aren't "stockpiling" keys. I don't see why they would. 


As for unusual trading itself, I don't think it has changed very much. The major difference is in the lower tier trading. As you know, keys are 30 ref now and small items trading is no longer worth the time unless you are doing a scrap to unusual. 

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It's alright, I mean you can dump trading normal items as bots have taken over almost completely and are also slowly taking over the unusual market, but it's alright.

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19 minutes ago, Kostek said:

Not sure what's up for everyone else. I sell a minimum of one unusual for full pure a day.

what do you do with your pure

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11 hours ago, Kostek said:

Not sure what's up for everyone else. I sell a minimum of one unusual for full pure a day.

I  have literally never sold an unusual for full for pure

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