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Open Club  ·  33 members


About This Club

Discussion related to Scrap.TF: the home of scrap banking, hat banking, promo banking, raffles, and much, much more!
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    test me too
  3. Jessecar


    Test 123
  4. ThePickleCat

    Scrap.TF is the best trading site.

    Truth. Raffles are amazing for people just starting out. Raffles are like lucky little bursts to help your trading potential. Never won a high dollar item, but everything helps. Now that we have auctions, they are an great way to find amazing deals that would normally be sniped very quickly on bp.tf. Also being able to buy hats in the hat bots for usually only a couple scrap for paint, can be really good deals. TL;DR: THIS SITE IS A NEW TRADERS WET DREAM

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