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Follow-up: Crowdfunded suggestions



Part 1: http://forums.backpack.tf/index.php?/blog/121/entry-371-idea-crowdfunded-unusual-suggestions-requests/


Unfortunately I don't think it got quite enough interest, so I'm proposing something slightly different, more in the spirit of challenges of the week (is that still a thing?): Every now and then (maybe every week, maybe less,) I would release a list of unusuals I feel should be updated using backpack.tf/calculator, probably on this blog. A passed suggestion would level up a special badge provided by backpack.tf Enhancement Suite. That could lead to additional perks but I'm not sure right now how that would work.



1 Comment

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It's a nice thought, but to really get alot of suggester to do hats, it should be on the entire site possibly.


Say there a list where the most outdated unusuals (the ones priced with the oldest suggestion) would come first, and suggesters were offered a rep bonus for updating the unusual. The size of the bonus can be different from suggestion to suggestion depending on how outdated the unusual was. Of course this bonus would only be rewarded when the suggestion was accepted, this could make more suggestors (repwhores) go for unusual suggestions instead of 20 suggestions a day that take 30 seconds each.

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