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[Guide] How to Rep Whore



The purpose of this post is to inform the public about the act of rep whoring and the methods used to accomplish this task.


Rep Whoring on BP.TF

The Jazz Method:







change and item again and again, as shown.

The PEASANT Method:







Choose a specific group of items that needs a change, and change all of them.

The Heavy Method:




http://backpack.tf/vote/id/51c486874bd7b8d13d000014 not by santa heavy but a perfect example of a follower.

Make itty bitty changes so mods will have a hard time, and allowing you to collect more rep.

The Puddingkip method:

Easiest rep whore ever. Find a suggestion with good proof, but a bad range. Then, just change the range in your own suggestion, just copy all his proof, and tadaaaaaaa you whored rep. I've done it quite succesfully here:


http://backpack.tf/v...a2536682800001b (just took counterproof, pasted it all in a single comment, and tadaaa free rep)

http://backpack.tf/v...bd7b8d656000017 (just a currency change, free rep as well)

http://backpack.tf/v...bd7b85176000008 Here's a perfect proof steal, range change

http://backpack.tf/v...bd7b8540300000d (though I closed it out of nicety)

http://backpack.tf/v...bd7b8a242000001 (another suggestion steal)

http://backpack.tf/v...a2536c01700000a (stole it of my life long friend long)

These are the biggest rep whore suggestions I made, another good way to find a suggestion is to look at classifieds. If you see an unusual, click it and check the price. around 20% of them needs updates, and well, you got a suggestion to make (you'll still need to get proof, but it's just a way of getting a good price to update)


Important: Note that a blue star gives bonus rep points automatically, get a blue star, and quick!


Rep Whoring on BP.TF forums

It is much easier to do than on bp.tf. All you must do is find someplace quiet to constantly give oneself likes:


Blogs are the most quiet place.


Currently in possession: Me, Baloo, SH, puddingkip


Recommended Comments

Easiest rep whore ever. Find a suggestion with good proof, but a bad range. Then, just change the range in your own suggestion, just copy all his proof, and tadaaaaaaa you whored rep. I've done it quite succesfully here http://backpack.tf/vote/id/51bc3d18ba25368c70000015 http://backpack.tf/vote/id/51b5af21ba2536682800001b (just took counterproof, pasted it all in a single comment, and tadaaa free rep) http://backpack.tf/vote/id/51aa048d4bd7b8d656000017 (just a currency change, free rep as well) http://backpack.tf/vote/id/51a613c04bd7b85176000008 Here's a perfect proof steal, range change http://backpack.tf/vote/id/519e1f494bd7b8540300000d (though I closed it out of nicety) http://backpack.tf/vote/id/518aa52b4bd7b8a242000001 (another suggestion steal) http://backpack.tf/vote/id/515c75f1ba2536c01700000a (stole it of my life long friend long)


These are the biggest rep whore suggestions I made, another good way to find a suggestion is to look at classifieds. If you see an unusual, click it and check the price. around 20% of them needs updates, and well, you got a suggestion to make (you'll still need to get proof, but it's just a way of getting a good price to update)

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