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Hey guys!


Just posting here as I'd love to know if there are fellow traders here who also play this amazing game, Brawlhalla. I hit Platinum last season, and do intend to get Diamond eventually, so the more practice, the merrier. :D


Could also 2v2 and well, anything really. Add me!

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1. I loved playing the game for like awhile till i notice how this game doesn't have lan tournaments (would love to get lan tournaments) 

2 . some people ragequit which sometimes takes the fun away from it

But yeah I can be up to play it since I stopped playing fighting games seriously for a year so I guess this might be some practice to get back into fighting games. but if you do got smash 4 I'm always up to play that (melee on pc too but then I don't got a GC adapter for pc :( ) plus how do people take brawlhalla seriously I never understood that like in general it just feels like a party game in a nutshell so yeah just lemme install the game and if you are bored and wanna play this game hit me up might join or not (probably because busy or working on something most of the times)

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As a matter of fact, Brawlhalla has a very high skill-ceiling and one simply never stops improving in it. And that is actually coming from its simplicity, the same thing that probably led you to think it's more a party game than anything else in the first place. I don't know how long you had played the game, but I know I had the same feeling when I was beginning it. It's kind of like Rocket League: sounds like a retarded game, but at the end of the day, the skill required to greatly play is absolutely tremendous. ^^

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As a matter of fact, Brawlhalla has a very high skill-ceiling and one simply never stops improving in it. And that is actually coming from its simplicity, the same thing that probably led you to think it's more a party game than anything else in the first place. I don't know how long you had played the game, but I know I had the same feeling when I was beginning it. It's kind of like Rocket League: sounds like a retarded game, but at the end of the day, the skill required to greatly play is absolutely tremendous. ^^

True that I kinda didn't put a lot of time into the game like by myself but played it locally with my friends 

But like I don't see the hype from it or mentioned in the fighting game community. its like saying "hey wanna come to my house and play some MvC2" which now MvC2 is a game thats like above 100$ since marvel has to be a dick about it but same goes for smash melee like I rarely have any friends that know of the game and are just gonna say "whats that"  Brawlhalla Is like in the middle i can see some of my friends playing it but I don't see it mention like anywhere in the fighting game community 

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