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LMAOBOX VAC Detected. Many LMAOBOX users have received VAC Bans. LMAOBOX creators officially end the project.

xG:CL Scootaloo

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I do find it funny to see people saying things along the lines of "So sad to see you go." "It was a good run." etc and etc when I'm sure most people groan and roll their eyes when faced with his little project in a server, but I guess some people just get fun out of ruining the fun of others.

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having only played one or two games with and against hackers I had never realized that hacking was as big an issue in tf2 as it really was. I'd always assumed that few people hacked and that when they did a game ban would quickly be handed out to their account provided they didn't have lmaobox premium. 


I personally think that Maxbox is doing the entire playerbase a huge favour by discontinuing lmaobox and although the people who received their respective bans got what they had coming to them I can't help but feel a little bad for the some of the $5k inventories that were VAC'd.

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I don't think we've seen the end of external aim assistance in TF2, simply because LMAOBox is being discontinued; someone else will surely try pick up the project and find new ways around VAC. It certainly will be nice to not have to put up with that sort of thing for a while, though :)

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I heard that there would be an update on LMAObox on their forums.




I fear we have waken a sleeping tiger 

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I personally think that Maxbox is doing the entire playerbase a huge favour by discontinuing lmaobox

Maxbox has nothing with creating lmaobox, he is infamous for using it, not creating it.

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Attached file was full of viruses and rumors say that his unknowncheats account was hacked. Can't know for certain whether it has stopped for good but it was definitely detected. 

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