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What makes Donald Trump seem like he would be right for the presidency?

Chilled Soda

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I am from Europe, and from what I know of Donald Trump he sounds insane. How is he still doing so well in the election race? What makes him such an attractive president? (Not like good looking, but what does he have to offer that isn't bat-shit crazy?)


Forgive my lack of knowledge, educate me



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According to my classmate (who is Hispanic btw which is ironic), Donald "inspired" him to write a book about music and how he's so motivated to do things. He also found Obama being "fired" on his last day of presidency from Donald incredibly amusing.


Edit: Mother wants to vote for trump because HE HATES THEM DARN TERRORISTS. 

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I think he represents the people better than any other candidate. Sanders is the only person who comes close, but I think his policies are unfit for us.

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Because a lot of presidential candidates either tried to be friendly, appeal anyone they could or tried to express their viewpoints without pissing off too many people.


Donald Trump on the other hand is as direct, blunt and careless as you can get, something that is not often seen on presidential candidates, and his direct way of expressing his views appeals to a lot of people because it gives the impression that he has nothing to hide. That bluntness to some people, overshadows any crazy idea that he says.


I still think that his candidacy for president is either some kind of ruse to attract all this attention on him only to quit right at the end and leave the rest of the heat to the remaining candidates that got enough votes during their run against him.


Or maybe he's running to prove a point that anyone no matter what crazy shit they say, can run for president if they have enough money and charisma to do so, and even get the majority of votes.

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I am from Europe, and from what I know of Donald Trump he sounds insane. How is he still doing so well in the election race? What makes him such an attractive president? (Not like good looking, but what does he have to offer that isn't bat-shit crazy?)


Forgive my lack of knowledge, educate me




Here are the kind of people who would vote for someone like Trump.  The US is apparently quite full of them since he's doing so well. 


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he's controversial and people love controversy.  also he's a very successful business man ->  can run a business well

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he's controversial and people love controversy.  also he's a very successful business man ->  can run a business well

Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Trump have a lot of failed products in the past and also file for bankruptcy multiple times?

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I am from Europe, and from what I know of Donald Trump he sounds insane. How is he still doing so well in the election race? What makes him such an attractive president? (Not like good looking, but what does he have to offer that isn't bat-shit crazy?)


Forgive my lack of knowledge, educate me


Presidential elections in 'murrica are eerily similar to major sports--most people don't care that much one way or the other, and the average person's favorite candidate is often determined by nothing beyond name recognition.


In the same way that a person can know basically nothing about 'murrican football but watch highlights every so often and still be able to claim that Peyton Manning is their favorite football player, a person can be disengaged and apathetic about politics, but still watch the news every so often and hear Trump's name often enough that his is one of the first (and perhaps only) names that comes to mind.


Also, the political landscape in the US is very firmly two-party. Under our current political format, no third-party candidate has even come close to coming close to being elected President. Even the very disinterested portions of the public have taken notice of this, and most people see Presidential elections as a choice between one candidate from each major party. And although the specific personalities, policies, and other characteristics of a candidate can certainly make a difference, it's mostly seen as "which guy from the party I like better can beat the guy from the other party?"


Since the Other Party has been in office for eight years, some people are getting restless, and gravitate towards the loudest voice in the Republican party--even if it's saying things like "a small loan of a million dollars" that don't actually resonate with them at all.


Trump also brings something a little different, though. The establishment hates him. Probably because he's a narcissistic sociopath, but that's not really important. The average American kind of hates the government right now, and the government (including and perhaps especially his own party) hates Trump. So it's like an enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend situation. He's a guy that would piss off not only everyone in or supporting the other party, but he'd piss off even the members of his own party. So, supporting Trump is a way to stick it to everyone, and that appeals to a lot of people, because a lot of people in the US are angry right now, over various things. It's not that anyone thinks he'd be a good President so much as that everyone knows he'd wreak havoc in Washington.

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I think he represents the people better than any other candidate. Sanders is the only person who comes close, but I think his policies are unfit for us.

A small loan of a million dollars

Represents the people

Pass dat weed, bro

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How is he still doing so well in the election race? What makes him such an attractive president?

answer = america


I hate this country can I pls leave and join you europeans

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The only legitimate argument I've heard for him being president is he's "authentic." Apparently being authentic is enough to outweigh all the ridiculous shit you say in the mind of the average know-nothing American voter.

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A small loan of a million dollars

Represents the people

Pass dat weed, bro

He say a "small loan of one million dollars" because that he's filthy rich and that isn't much money for him, but for us that's tons of money.The more you know* (Berine2k16....)

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Well I'll put my two cents in because I've been itching to talk about this.


I lean towards trump because of how he sees America and the rest of the world. He knows we're laughing stocks, we're being beaten on a lot of fronts. He wants to build us back up economically, in education and military. He wants to aid our veterans, he wants to stop immigration because of how rampant and how socially acceptable it's become. Look at Germany, rape and crime have gone up significantly because of the immigrants. He knows it's wrong, the American people know it's wrong. He's opposed to gun control, he wants to replace obamacare, he supports our policemen and even though he supports traditional marriage, he doesn't really want to hinder LGBT issues. Plus he also wants to stop all the companies going overseas to avoid taxes


Trump wants to make us powerful again. He wants countries to respect us and not just use us. He detests the Iran deal Obama made. We shouldn't have done it. Why we would is fucking beyond me. Trump wants us to only intervene in matters that are in our favor and not waste time, men, and resources on shit that does not involve us. 


Trump caters to the American that's tired of being laughed at. The hard-working American that doesn't want to see everything go to waste. To compare him to lets say Sanders who wants to cater to the "Give me what I want and give it to me now!" people and the SJW/PC people that have plagued our nation in recent years.


Now does he say some wack shit? Hell yeah. Sometimes it's hard to stand up for him when he goes on tirades. But I can look past it because I love what he wants to do. He wants to "Make America Great Again" and shit, I believe it.

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Trumps doing well because its a name people know. If you ask someone on the street, everyone knows about trump; and no one knows much about anyone else.


Nothing makes him fit for presidency.


This country is fucked.

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Well I'll put my two cents in because I've been itching to talk about this.


I lean towards trump because of how he sees America and the rest of the world. He knows we're laughing stocks, we're being beaten on a lot of fronts. He wants to build us back up economically, in education and military. He wants to aid our veterans, he wants to stop immigration because of how rampant and how socially acceptable it's become. Look at Germany, rape and crime have gone up significantly because of the immigrants. He knows it's wrong, the American people know it's wrong. He's opposed to gun control, he wants to replace obamacare, he supports our policemen and even though he supports traditional marriage, he doesn't really want to hinder LGBT issues. Plus he also wants to stop all the companies going overseas to avoid taxes


Trump wants to make us powerful again. He wants countries to respect us and not just use us. He detests the Iran deal Obama made. We shouldn't have done it. Why we would is fucking beyond me. Trump wants us to only intervene in matters that are in our favor and not waste time, men, and resources on shit that does not involve us. 


Trump caters to the American that's tired of being laughed at. The hard-working American that doesn't want to see everything go to waste. To compare him to lets say Sanders who wants to cater to the "Give me what I want and give it to me now!" people and the SJW/PC people that have plagued our nation in recent years.


Now does he say some wack shit? Hell yeah. Sometimes it's hard to stand up for him when he goes on tirades. But I can look past it because I love what he wants to do. He wants to "Make America Great Again" and shit, I believe it.


Oh boy


It's happening

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He knows we're laughing stocks,

firstly, no offence to anyone: this is just a perspective, and as such might be biased, or plainly wrong


Now: Speaking as a non-american who does follow U.S. politics, I do feel I need to point this out: When you're considered a laughtin stock, you do know why, right? Because of 'merica - because of things that look silly to the rest of the world.

The problem though, is that Trump isn't helping. It used to be only the climate change deniers, creationists, anti-vaxxers ... Now, it's the people who believe a guy who says he's gonna build a wall & make Mexico pay for it. He doesn't know anything, but when he gets ellected he's gonna be so good, he'll make your head spin.


Regardless of right or wrong - from many of our perspectives, Trump is a baloon of hot air

So, the fact he's getting so much votes doesn't help the "American that's tired of being laughed at" (to use your words). If anything, he makes it worse...



Look at Germany, rape and crime have gone up significantly because of the immigrants.

How long have you believed this and how long have the numbers been out?


Because the last numbers I found were of 2014 and they were not up; they were not up significantly. They were, in fact, down a bit (7.3 compared to 7.4 in 2013; while in 2004, it was 10.7 !)


He detests the Iran deal Obama made. We shouldn't have done it. Why we would is fucking beyond me.

In a nutshell? because Obama didn't make that deal. The iran deal is a deal made between iran & SIX world powers. And you can't uphold the sanctions you had on Iran if it's just you.

In case you haven't noticed, the middle east isn't the most stable of regions lately. And I'm willing to bet that people reasoned that it would be better to have Iran pledge not to develope nukes & release the sanctions, then to pray Iran doesn't get tired of the sanctions and attacks.


I hope that explains why the Iran deal was made.



He wants to "Make America Great Again" and shit, I believe it.

... opposite to all other presidential candidates - who don't want to make America great ...
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Regardless of all the crazy surrounding trump. He's the best one out of the three leaders in the race IMO.



Hillary Clinton: 



Has experience

Possibly good with foreign affairs 



A habitual liar 

No concern for national security 


- - - - - - -


Bernie Sanders:



Non that I can honestly think of. 


He's an all around socialist - Everything Old America hates wrapped up in a nice package. He dreams of a Utopia like society. Yes, a utopia would be nice, but as the world currently stands his plan are it's unsustainable and will lead America to it's death. 


- - - - - - -


Donald Trump:



A great business leader. I can't really stress this point enough. Even a funny meme was produced about this. "A small loan of a million dollars." To most people. This is hilarious, but if you take into account his actual worth. It's astonishing. If you factor the number down to something more reasonable to normal people, say, $1,000 and were told in 40 years to give back $10,000,000 would you tell that person they were insane? That's what Donald Trump did. he's no joke of an investor.



He's partially insane. Just as most brilliant people are, Trump is no exception. He is, on most of the issues, is right, but his proposed solutions are just plain bad or wrong. 




So. In the end. It's basically a race between an liar, a socialist, and a crazy person. Take your pick. 


"Democracy is the road to socialism" - Karl Marx

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Between Hillary (A serial liar) and Trump (audacious as hell), I would vote for Trump, because at least with him we might have a chance at becoming a better nation.


Buuut, the nominations haven't been picked yet, there's still a chance for Cruz, Rubio or even Sanders to get in there and make something happen. Unfortunately neither of the Repubs are in favor of the whole gay marriage/LGBT thing so I'd be against them if they did manage to get in there.


I personally liked Fiorina when she was in there, it's a shame no one else did.

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