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Fix market value of certain items


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I've found that backpack.tf often mistakes an item for the same item, but of a different quality, and then placing it's scm value much higher than it is. For example, normal unique weapons in people's backpacks are mistaken for strange normal items by site. If you were to go this person's backpack and sort by market value - the site thinks that a unique medi gun worth 2 rec is 80 dollars on the steam market, placing this persons backpack at nearly $200 along with the other unique items he has. This is misleading and could lead to people buying these cheap weapons in order to decieve others into thinking that their backpack or item is worth much more than it actually is.

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Theres probably no unique medi gun on the market so thats why bp.tf uses the normal medi gun instead

That still doesn't explain why one night nearly every basic ks kit was 100+ keys and eternaweens and robot parts were all 10+ keys each

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That still doesn't explain why one night nearly every basic ks kit was 100+ keys and eternaweens and robot parts were all 10+ keys each

That was because the steam api decided to swap around quantity and price. So all items took the # of them on the market for the price, basically skyrocketing the values of most ks kits

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Part of the problem is that it terms of the Steam Community Market is the Unique and Normal quality items are treated the same, it normally isn't that apparent (but the Batsaber provides a good example of what I mean).


It it is more apparent with Killstreaks where the lowest Unique killstreaks on the market are usually uncraftables while the craftable ones are more expensive and yet despite being treated separately here they use a single market value. It is even more noticeable when the craftable and uncraftable versions (without killstreaks, for example the Sharpened Volcano Fragment) have large differences in value so much so that a killstreak version for one is still cheaper than the uncraft but gets the same price.

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