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What order do you have your taunts in?


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This is a really weird thing I thought of yesterday. But I realised that more people probably have their 8 taunts ordered different than others.


Mine are:

1: High Five

2: Schadenfreude

3: Director's Vision

4: Rock Paper Scissors 

5: Conga

8: Class specific taunt


I never really bought taunts other than a few I got through trading.  Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


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1. Schadenfreude

2. High Five

3. Square dance

4. Shred Alert/Any 1-class taunt (ex. Killer Solo, Boston Breakdance)

5. Rock, Paper, Scissors

6. Kazotsky Kick

7. Flippin' Awesome

8. Conga

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1. Conga

2. Kazotsky Kick

3. Square Dance

4. Rock, Paper, Scissors

5. Flippin' Awesome

6. Schadenfreude/Class specific

7. Shred Alert/Class specific

8. Class specific

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When I played TF2 and had all taunts in the game I think I had action taunts (Conga and Schadenfreude etc), partner taunts (Hi5, Flip etc), and the class-specifics with my main load out (I had a bp page per class).

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1) High five (cause it was my first taunt).

2) Rock paper scissors.

3) Conga.

4) Schadenfreude.

5) Shred alert.

6) Square dance.

7) Skullcracker (meet the medic for medic and box trot for spy).

8) Class specific.

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1. Schadenfreude

2. Conga

3. High Five!

4. Rock, Paper, Scissors

5. Square dance

6. Class taunt

7. Class taunt

8. Directer's Vision  

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1. High Five

2. Schadenfreude

3. Shred Alert

4. Oblooterated

5. Conga

6. Kazotsky Kick

7. Rock, Paper, Scissors

8. Flippin' Awesome

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1. Schadenfreude

2. High Five

3. Rock, Paper, Scissors

4. Square Dance

5. Flippin' Awesome or Class Specific

6. Class Specific

7. Conga

8. Kazotsky Kick

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