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Requirements to make suggestions on certain items


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So, buds and keys price suggestion page in a nutshell-proofless suggestion, just wants the key/bud go up or down on opinion


So I was wondering to combat this is to have something where it would not allow you to make a suggestion for keys/buds(i find that they mostly have proofless suggestions) if you do not at least one accepted/good suggestion. This would I believe this would stop all of those annoying proofless suggestions.


Lets look at some examples!




Suggestion: http://backpack.tf/vote/id/5535b641ba8d888d3b8b4c32

Made by: http://backpack.tf/u/76561198076099907- 1 suggestion, and thats the proofless suggestion above


Suggestion: http://backpack.tf/vote/id/5535b0cdba8d88a23b8b4c8d

Made by- you know, some guy with ONE suggestion that is a proofless key suggestion

You get the idea.


Just go down the list of suggestions, and a majority of the proofless suggestions are usually made by people with no past suggestions, or multiple suggestions that are proofless


But there is always that couple of times where a person can just ace a suggestion on a key on their first suggestion, but I'm fairly sure thats not very many people, and suggestions on other items would help them build their "price suggesting" skills.




pls lol

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what's the point


It takes 5 seconds for a mod to close and we get free rep

It just gives the mods extra unecessary work. Takes maybe 5 second to close but given the fact that there are at least 10 of those a day on currency suggestions time could be saved.

Also, I think it badly reflects backpack.tf. If you read the comments on those proofless suggestions they badly reflect our community.

And just because we get free rep out of it doesn't mean we should sustain it.

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It just gives the mods extra unecessary work. Takes maybe 5 second to close but given the fact that there are at least 10 of those a day on currency suggestions time could be saved.

Also, I think it badly reflects backpack.tf. If you read the comments on those proofless suggestions they badly reflect our community.

And just because we get free rep out of it doesn't mean we should sustain it.


Is it really worth the effort to implement something though


The suggestions never get accepted anyway and people will never learn so

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The mods have said previously it's a barely noticable increase to their work-load and they don't mind.


Moreover, there HAVE been instances of white-belts, even first-time suggesters, making perfectly good currency suggestions.


And additionally, as a community that gets accused of manipulating prices a lot, the last thing we need is to lock off access to suggestions for a lot of people.


-1 on this suggestion, just like I -1 every time it comes up, like, every other week.

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Been answered many many times before here


Belt/restrictions requirements for currency suggestions








Basic reply is that it doesnt create any work load for mods and if anything many users here enjoy the free rep. Cutting off users from making suggestions especially for currency we would be accused of manipulation, in the past many many suggestions were made by white belts.







They were all made when the suggester was still a white belt.

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Been answered many many times before here


Basic reply is that it doesnt create any work load for mods and if anything many users here enjoy the free rep. Cutting off users from making suggestions especially for currency we would be accused of manipulation, in the past many many suggestions were made by white belts.


They were all made when the suggester was still a white belt.

There is no manipulation as the only requirement for currency suggestions would be that more experience would be needed. We'd require users to have at least 1 accepted suggestion to demonstrate that they understand how suggestions work. The main reason for implementation would be to reduce the large amount of no-proof currency suggestions and not to manipulate key prices.


Some currency suggestions have been made in the past by white belts indeed. And this is probably the main reason why we haven't implemented the "1-suggestion accepted" rule yet. I strongly believe however that if someone wants to make a serious currency suggestion they won't mind making one extra suggestion for a different item. It's not that hard to do so.


And the argument that people enjoy free rep isn't valid. By that logic the more bad suggestions were made the happier people would be. In a sense that might be true, but the site would function optimally if all suggestions were accurate. Obviously this isn't humanly possibly but we could at least try to achieve a better overall accuracy. If we can implement a measure that would increase overall accuracy then I believe that's a good thing.


"These suggestions don't increase the workload of moderators by that much." When you look at the global picture you'll see that there are about 10 of these suggestions each day and that's for keys alone as I haven't looked at other currencies yet. Implementing this rule could save overall time. If we count about 45 for each suggestion to be closed (reading comments, banning user, etc.) and we multiply this by 10 (since 10 each day) then that makes 450 seconds. 450 * 30 days = 13500 seconds a month. Which is 3.75 hours a month that is lost with closing these useless kind of suggestions. Time that could have been spent on the backlog on unusual suggestions. And offcourse these figures aren't accurate, but it's just to support my argument that time could be saved.


Finally I want to conclude these suggestions badly reflect our community. If you read the comments on such suggestions: "nice try"; "all aboard the free rep train"; etc. Not to mention it's kind of annoying to see such kind of suggestions on the front page. 

Overall I don't think it's that harmful to require 1 accept suggestion before making a currency suggestion just to proof they understand the inner workings of suggestion-making.

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You're taking the assumption that our general user base are non-biased and are understanding, this is clearly not the case when a suggestion increasing keys we get accused of manipulation, we decrease price and we get accused of manipulation if we reject a large segment of our userbase for an item which they trade day in day out it badly reflects on bp.tf. This is a community run website with the which has the selling point of being transparent where everyone here has the power to update prices. Not to mention many users who vote and know how general suggestions work, forcing users to make a random suggest just so they can make the suggest they really want not only delays pricing of keys also sents the message to the general user base that unless you are a "regular" we dont let you adjust the prices.


It isnt a very rare occurrence for a "white belt" to make a key suggestion our most recently accepted key suggestions have all been from white belts.

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Absolutely no point. Some people who rarely make suggestions have a go at making currency-based ones and they do well first try.

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It takes about one second to close them. There are about maybe 20 troll key suggestions per day, 20 troll ref suggestions per day, and 10 troll bud suggestions per day, for a grand total of 50 seconds of work in a day. Divide that among all the mods, and you get less than an hour each year.

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