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[GUIDE] How to trade on android device easily with ICE CLIENT: Steam trading app


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Hello people,



I believe a lot of you, wants to trade on mobile phones, and our android steam app is really old, and abondoned. It doesn't let trade... but I would like to tell you about another native android app, mobile steam client called "Ice Client: Steam Trading" it really lets trade ANY ITEMS, i can confirm that, it does SUPPORT TRADE OFFERS I am using it for 1 month now, It's a bit buggy I know, because it's still in beta, it's been for a 1 year now I think, but I found this app just about 1 month ago... this app wasn't updated since 2014 march 30th, but I added creator, and he updated it a little bit, fixed some major bugs. I believe it will be updating now, but not much people knows about this app, so I would like, if you could help me support this guy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000739785/ ( The Pickle Man) (æ),Very very big thanks to him for making this usefull and awesome app, and making other features, updates.

I would like to know, what do you think about this app?


its only for android, and will never become on Ios as this creator told me.


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aegamesi.steamtrade Google Play link



Ice is a native Android app which functions as a client for Valve's Steam network -- enabling you to chat and trade on the go!

Ice is still mostly in beta.

What it supports:
- SteamGuard
- Trading TF2 Items
- Viewing TF2 backpacks
- Crafting some TF2 Items
- Chatting with friends
- Adding/removing friends
- Changing display name / online status

What it doesn't support (yet!):
- Trading non-TF2 items
- Viewing non-TF2 backpacks
- Trade Offers
- Trading with people with private backpacks

Additional Information
- The modifications to SteamKit-Java for Android compatibility can be found here: https://github.com/ThePickleMan/SteamKit-Java
- The source code can be found here: https://github.com/ThePickleMan/SteamTrade/tree/master

Ice does require you to enter your Steam username and password. This information is sent only to official Steam servers.


I copied this information from google play, because it's all about the app :D


P.S. people who download this app, note that you will not be able to trade with app for 7 days because of steam guard, application will not let you know about that, I informed creator about this issue, thanks, but if your steam account is logged on on pc, then you can still trade with android :) tried by myself

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i agree, very broken english and a third party trade app = something most likely bad


Very broken english? Creator is from United States, how it could be? And its in beta, but still, good for trading tf2 items

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Tried it ... not bad at all tbh

The problem.is that you can't see australium skins and killstreak kits don't indicate which weapon they're for


yes, i found these features as fabricators, which doesnt say for which weapon this fabricator is, strange parts, killstreaks, and etc, i told him about this problem, he said in the next update they should apear in a trade :)

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Never for iOS? Damn. :/


yeah, maybe other programmer, who is experienced in ios programming, maybe will make it on ios, but yeah, still may take a lot of time to find a guy, who would take this job.

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I've traded through my phone's browser (trade offers) before :<  I'd prefer that over 3rd party apps.  thanks for telling us about this though

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Its not "handy" yet, but we will see in the next updates, i think, this app will be much more usefull with trade offers, mostly on receiving mode, by getting a notification of received trade offer. But this will be impemented just in some time

I've traded through my phone's browser (trade offers) before :<  I'd prefer that over 3rd party apps.  thanks for telling us about this though

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If you have an android phone, you can use Puffin Browser. It has an onscreen mouse function which lets you send trade offers through your phone. It's what I use if I need to trade when I'm not at home.

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If you have an android phone, you can use Puffin Browser. It has an onscreen mouse function which lets you send trade offers through your phone. It's what I use if I need to trade when I'm not at home.

Yes, but with ice client you can trade real time, and btw im using photon browser to send trade offers

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  • 3 weeks later...


ce is a native Android app which functions as a client for Valve's Steam network -- enabling you to chat and trade on the go!

What it supports:

- SteamGuard

- Steam/Game Trading + Trade Offers

(including private backpacks and non-tf2 trading)

- Viewing Steam/Game Inventories

- Chatting with friends

- Adding/removing friends

- Changing display name / online status

Additional Information

- The modifications to SteamKit-Java for Android compatibility can be found here: https://github.com/ThePickleMan/SteamKit-Java

- The source code can be found here: https://github.com/ThePickleMan/SteamTrade/tree/master

Ice does require you to enter your Steam username and password. This information is sent only to official Steam servers.

NOTE: Due to SteamGuard, you cannot

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