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So... I can't get myself rich.

DFS ExDe707

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Trading is hard business right here. I am simply out of words. I can't get my backpack value to rise.


I've tried to flip Spook Specs but it stopped working rather early. Had sold 9 in a week or so but didn't recieve a single add or trade offer for 4 days.


I have nothing interesting in my backpack to flip or use to get rich. I don't know anymore, all items I have don't cope well for flipping. People are too smart nowadays and I don't want to shark or scam anyone.


If you can help me out take a look in my backpack and tell me what's my best bet on getting rich. http://backpack.tf/id/ExDe707


DON'T say:


-shark people

-get lucky

Because I'm convinced it won't help me that way.

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Step 1. Gib me items

Step 2. Report some random for scamming

Step 3. ???

Step 4. Profit!

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Well it's also that there's a bit less trading going on right now.  We just had a major update and everybody is kinda over it already.  It's mostly just the hardcore people who are trading right now, and most of the profit they're making is gained from taking advantage of more casual players who don't bother with trading much and want something fast.  We're probably not going to see the market pick up again until october, unless EOTL hits before then.

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Unbox lucky shark people.


But you have to remember that getting rich takes a long time. Especially if you start "poor". Buy cheap and sell for more than you bought for will get it up. It will be a slow climb but in due time all those small pieces will be able to create a big puzzle.

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What the fuck are you all doing? You're not helping me in any way. In b4 I have to call a mod to clean the shitposts.


Now help me correctly, and explain why do you think your strategy will help me.

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Try being a little less of a douch


well he/she claims he/she doesn't want to shark or scam anybody, so was this comment really necessary?  presumably, he/she is trying to do that.

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What the fuck are you all doing? You're not helping me in any way. In b4 I have to call a mod to clean the shitposts.


Now help me correctly, and explain why do you think your strategy will help me.

I was referring to this.

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Trade.tf - that's a pure factory of profit. Use some metal or key, and enjoy. But to make the most of it You must have a bit of time, since counter starts immediately after You will pay.

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I went from a few scrap weapons to ~35 ref within a month early last year. A couple months after that, turned it into a couple unusuals, and so on. Just gotta pick one easy to sell item to flip (stranges preferrably) and stay at it.

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Unbox lucky shark people.


But you have to remember that getting rich takes a long time. Especially if you start "poor". Buy cheap and sell for more than you bought for will get it up. It will be a slow climb but in due time all those small pieces will be able to create a big puzzle.

It doesn't take time. I spent $30 on tf2 and look were I'm at within 1-2 months.

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Well, I've been having a go at the new taunts. Pretty profittable, considering hype is still lurking around the corners of TF2.

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